4. justice

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Justice (noun): just behaviour or treatment


Blondie, better known as Clarke had taken Wells and Finn to get some seaweed with medicinal properties and Bellamy had taken a hunting party to find food.

And they left Murphy in charge.


I was currently tied up in their ship but they hadn't even tied me up so that I could sit down, oh no they stood me up and tied each arm, outstretched to opposite walls. I had been in worse but I was still pissed off.

Every ten seconds Goggles, better known as Jasper would let out a stomach turning groan which made me grimace. The acid fog had confined everyone to the inside of the ship and the tension was high. I actually didn't hate the kid, he was goofy and stupid but he was about to be dead if the others didn't get back soon.

Not that I care. He'll die anyway when the Commander sends the war party.

Octavia hadn't left his side which was surprising because from what I had seen, I had pegged her as some sort of diva but apparently not. She was just brushing a cold cloth to Jasper's head when Monty burst through the door.

"Murphy's gonna kill Jasper!" He yelled.

Octavia sprung into action. Murphy was close behind but a swift kick from Monty gave him enough time to get the door closed.

"It locks from the other side!" Monty groaned and planted his butt on top of it while Octavia tried to find something that would keep the door closed.

"No rush! I'm fine here!" Monty said sarcastically as Octavia pulled at a metal pipe.

"I got it!" She said running to the hatch.

They shoved it under the latch, jamming the door closed while Murphy screamed curses from the other side.


The acid fog ended about an hour ago and as night fell, everyone could be outside so the threat of Murphy killing Jasper had passed, although the threat of him succumbing to his wounds was still very real.

Blondie and the rest had made it back and boiled the seawater as fast as they could. Octavia cradled Jasper's head as they fed him the solution and from what I could tell, something bad must've happened because the tension was suffocating.

"I'm really sorry about Adam." Clarke spoke up.

"I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here aren't we." She choked out and I felt a pang of guilt. A pang that I shouldn't be feeling but I was anyway. They were just kids but kids were never exempted from war.

"But not you, you hear me? You're not allowed to die." She spoke to Jasper.

Shortly after they had fed him all the solution, Clarke left and Monty, Finn and Octavia cracked open an ancient bottle of whiskey. Monty took a swig.

"Smooth." He said sarcastically, after coughing. He passed the bottle to Octavia.

"Disgusting. I love it." Octavia declared after gulping some down. She passed it to Finn.

"Can I get a hit of that?" Jasper croaked.

"Jasper!" Monty cried out.

They rushed to his bed. Goggles had actually woken up.

"Let's start with the soft stuff." Finn said giving Jasper some water.

"Welcome back buddy." Finn said.

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