35. Mirror

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A piercing ringing distracts me from my train of thoughts. I look up from my desk and see that Mr Jennings is putting his books away, along with the rest of the class.

My hands are clenched tightly in front of me on the white desk. I loosen my grip and and blink rapidly till my mind is able to process my surroundings.

Keep it together...

It's been almost a week since that dream. Even though a few days have passed, I'm still a bit shaken by it.

History was the second last period today and now, I have chemistry. I wish this day would just be over, already. Just an hour more and I'm done for the week.

I quickly take my bag that's lying peacefully on the floor next to me, otherwise I think it's going to get trampled over by a mass of students.

I take my books and pen from the table and just shove them into my bag.

Slinging one strap on my shoulder, I sprint out of the class as if it will get engulfed in flames if I don't move right now.

There are a few students behind and ahead of me but I make my way through the crowd. The senseless clattering of various student echo around me.
I hear some girls talking about doing some shopping after school and some guys about a party.

A voice shouts from behind me: "Lindsey!"

I look around and see Allison making her way towards me with a bright smile etched across her face.

"So, ready for the last class?" she says as she catches up with me.

I place my right hand's tips at the corner of my forehead and say,

Why is my head throbbing?

Allison stops walking, also making me stop in my tracks.
"Are you sure that you're okay? You don't look so good..."
Her hands reflexively grab the straps of her bag.

"I'm fine..."
I say, feebly.

"Maybe, we should go to the matron," she starts but I cut in.

"No, the day's almost over and I think I'll just go to the toilets. You should go to class. I'll catch up."
I try to pull my lips in a U shape but to no avail. Even my body doesn't want to smile.


"No buts. I'm fine, Allison," I say, tilting my head to the side.

"All right." She throws her head back and puts her hands up in surrender.

I give her a nod before turning to the lavatory when I hear,
"But call me if you need anything, okay?"

I turn around and see her looking worried.



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