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Nea's POV
I missed this. I missed her. Now I'm back and I finally get to see her. So here we are, Christmas Day, drinking hot cocoa, talking, and going to open gifts.
"Alright, who's going to go first," Tyki asked.
"Me! Me! I wanna give everyone their presents first," (y/n) said excitedly.
I let her go laughing and she booked it to the tree. She came back with 3 gifts, passing one to each of us.
"For someone who didn't know I was coming, you sure were prepared," I said to her.
"Yeah well I was shopping, saw it, and thought it'd be perfect for you, so I brought it thinking I'd give it to you later," she said smiling.
She sits down next to me and we open our gifts. Tyki got the limited, and very rare, poker cards he'd seen. Wisley got a book he'd been wanting, he was hugging it so I couldn't tell what the name was.
"Thank you very much (y/n). I really like my gift," Tyki said.
(Y/n) got up and hugged him.
"Glad so! Merry Christmas Tyki," she said smiling.
Wisley wouldn't let go of the book and we laughed.
"(Y/n), you're amazing *TuT* thanks so much," Wisley said crying happily.
"You're welcome Wisley, merry Christmas," she said hugging him.
He hugged her too and then she walked over to me and sat down.
"You're turn Nea," Tyki said.
I laughed and said," I don't know, you didn't have to get me anything (y/n). Cause all I want for Christmas is you."
I winked at her and she blushed.
"You already have me, besides if you think that way then that's a bonus," she said looking away.
I ruffled her hair and smiled. I opened the gift and saw a gold box. I got it and it glowed soft yellow. I touched it and it turned into a gold pendant in the shape of a locket.
"It's like a recording device. In the shape of the square it'll record the song you play and then in the locket form, it'll play it. It's like an actual locket so you can put pictures on it too," she said.
I kept touching watching it shift back and forth, amazed.
"You didn't buy this," I said as I looked at her.
"Yeah I didn't, took a little bit of supplies and concentration of my powers and tada, there it is," she said shyly and unsurely.
I put the locket on and smiled at her.
"I love it," I said happily.
"Really," she asked.
"Of course! And funny cause it kind of matches with my gift," I said hugging her.
"My gift? Nea you didn't have to-," she was cut off with Tyki passing out his gifts to us.
"Then let's continue," I said laughing.
"Ladies first," Tyki said as he sat back down.

Your POV
I opened the box wrapped gift carefully and gasped at the gift. Inside was a black rose flower with silver glitter hair barrette.
"Tyki it's so beautiful! Thank you,"I said happily.
"You're very welcome," Tyki said smiling.
Nea made a small tch sound that would've passed as my imagination if he didn't pull me against him.
"N-Nea," I said blushing slightly.
"Hm," Nea asked as if nothing had happened.
"Nothing...," I said sighing.
Wisley opened his gift and smiled. Tyki had gotten him the headache medicine that Wisley could never seem to find. Nea opened his and smiled as well. Nea got a signed picture of his favorite musician.
"thanks Tyki," they said.
"You're welcome," Tyki said.
Wisley got his gifts and passed them out.
"(Y/n) first," Wisley said smiling.
"Ok," I said getting the rectangle box.
I opened it and inside was a sword.
"Woahhhhhh awesomeeeee," I said carefully grabbing it.
"Alright let's not open that here," Tyki warned.
"Awwwwww," me and Wisley said.
Nea hugged me tighter and I looked at him questioningly.
"What," he asked confused.
"Nothing," I asked.
I turned back to the others and a split second later Nea kissed my cheek.
Tyki opened his gift and got a new hat. He put it on and I clapped.
"Looking good Tyki," I said smiling.
Wisley helped Tyki with his hat and I laughed slightly. Nea kissed my neck and out of some instinct, I put my hands over his and let out a shaky breath. He chuckled and continued, not trying to leave any marks.
"Nea stop it," I said quietly.
"Why would I do that," he asked quietly.
"Cause Wisley and Tyki are still here," I said scolding him.
"Mine," he growled.
"Nea what are you-," he cut me off my harshly sucking my sweet spot.
I smacked my hand over my mouth biting my lip to avoid any sounds coming out of me. A quiet groan slipped past and Nea smirked.
"Everything alright you two," Tyki asked.
"Y-Yeah, just talking," I said trying to play it off.
I looked at Nea and he kissed me deeply to where I couldn't think straight. He broke away and I was left dumbfounded.
"Alright Nea, your turn," Wisley said as he sat back down.
Nea opened his gift and smiled, he'd gotten a musician book.
"Thanks Wis," Nea said admiring the book.
"Youre welcome," Wisley said.
"Then I guess it's my turn," Nea said getting presents I hadn't noticed from under the tree.
He passed them out and said," I want (y/n) to open hers last, so go ahead you two."
"Alright, Wisley," Tyki said as he motioned Wisley.
Wisley opened his gift smiling, a new scarf, black and white.
"Thanks Nea," Wisley said putting his new scarf around his head.
"Welcome," Nea said.
Tyki opened his gift smiling as well, he'd gotten a pack of 5 fancy ties that he'd wanted.
"Thank you Nea," Tyki said happily.
"You're welcome," Nea said smiling.
My gift was next, it was a square box. I opened it and inside was the beautifulest music box I'd ever seen. I opened it carefully and a song began to play with holographic music notes dancing around. The song was beautiful and a strange sense of familiarity washed over me. Where has I heard this? Tears fell from my eyes and the music slowly ended. I closed the box smiling.
"(Y/n)," they all asked.
"Ah sorry I just can't believe how beautiful this gift is," I said laughing.
Nea looked at me with soft caring eyes and wiped away my tears.
"Thank you Nea, I really love my gift," I said hugging him tightly.
"Good to hear," Nea said as he hugged me back.
"Alright then, that's it," Tyki said as he stood up.
"I'll wash cups, you guys head up to bed," I said as I got up.
"Alright, good night (y/n)," Tyki and Wisley said as they went upstairs.
"You should go too, to pick a room," I told Nea.
"Awww I thought I was sleeping with you," he pouted.
I laughed and said,"Sounds good to me."
He smiled and got up as well.
"I will go look around though," he said.
"Ok don't get lost," I said playfully.
He laughed as well and left. I picked up my music box once again and opened it to hear the song. The tune flew through the air and I smiled. I closed it, placing it on the coffee table carefully. I went to the kitchen with mugs in my hand. I began washing them and trying to remember, where had I heard that song.

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