Chapter Fourteen (Part two) : Hide if you can

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Walking into the skyscraper with Adrian and Cole by my side I realised how much things had changed. The last time I came here was the day I met Adrian or more famously known as the day Adrian spilled coffee all over my dress. Thinking back to it, I smiled. Never in a million years did I think I would be walking hand in hand, with the same man but deeply in love.

"What floor?" Cole asked, following Adrian and I.

"Why are you here again?" Adrian questioned.

"I'm here to gain experience." Cole said enthusiastically. Experience? I raised an eyebrow at my brother in law.

"Yes, a major financial deal? Count me in, fellas. This is awesome!" He said almost jumping with excitement.

"Lawyers," I scoffed.

Adrian knocked on the door; Uncle James' familiar voice invited us in. Ah, his office was so classy. I couldn't argue with that.

"There they are! The newly weds." Uncle James greeted, his charming smile fooling everyone but me. My eyes were on the beautiful glass wall to my right that showed me the heart of the city.

"James," Adrian greeted offering him a hand, Uncle just hugged him ignoring the hand. Cole grinned as Adrian embraced him, clearly uncomfortable. I rolled my eyes, spare me the drama will you uncle?

"Isabella, darling!" Uncle James came to my side, I gave him the brightest smile I could offer. Of course, today was the day I won and he lost I surely could muster some happiness.

"Oh uncle," I gave him the tightest of hugs. "I miss you so much, it feels like yesterday when you first took me into your home." I smiled through my teeth, he feigned a loving smile.

"Likewise dear, your parents would be very proud." I narrowed my eyes at him, the mention of my parents from his lips was enough to infuriate me. After Cole said his formal hellos, we all settled down on the big round mahogany table.

"Alright, so here are the papers." Uncle passed me a dark blue file casually. He seemed at ease, too much at ease for my liking. "You can sign them today, we can submit them tomorrow and by your birthday it will all be settled."  

I opened the first page, Uncle shifted uncomfortably as he showed me the places to sign my name. I was just about to press the tip onto the paper when Adrian spoke.

"Bella, wait." I stopped, to look up at the grey eyes that were looking at me intently. "Darling, you haven't even read them."

"Oh, I totally forgot." I kicked myself mentally, how stupid could I be.

"Oh, no need!" Uncle chirped in. "I've drawn them up myself, I know each and every clause by heart." Uncle smiled.

"I understand completely, Sir." Adrian began, "But I would still prefer if Bella went through them, just for reassurance. I could have a look at them, if you'd have me."

"No," I said abruptly. "I mean, you already have to catch up with your own cases, plus how hard can reading a couple of pages be." I could not have Adrian going through this file, I could not have him knowing the reason behind me agreeing for this marriage. It could ruin everything, it would ruin everything.

"Or I could have a look at them," I had almost forgotten Cole was in the room. Could I trust Cole with my secret?

"Oh ridiculous! There is no need for that we're already short on time." Uncle James said nervously. Just because Uncle James didn't want me to read them was exactly the reason why I decided to do it. There was something he didn't want me to know and I had to know what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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