chapter seven

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one month later

cheyenne's p.o.v

my eyes fluttered open, looking around carls room. my head laid on his bare chest and my hand wrapped around his torso, our feet entangled with each other. his hands laid on my lower back. once i fully got my eyes opened i sat my head up and looked up at him. his head turned sideways and his eyes laid closed. his mouth was slightly open as a bit of drool laid in the corner of his slightly opened mouth.
"carl." i whispered, trying to wake him up. "gallagher wake up." i said a bit louder. i smirked and kissed his cheek, this his lips continually pecking his lips, then i started kissing him jawline. "come on carl." i whined. i pecked his lips once more and then stared at him before his lips curved into a huge smile and a giggle escaped from them along with his eye fluttering open.
"i'm awake babygirl." he laughed. "you're so annoying." i rolled my eyes and laid my head back down on his chest still staring at him. he didn't say anything, but he continued staring at me. i sat up on him and swung my other leg around him and hopped up of off him on to the floor. i got on my knees and looked under carl's bed, his eyes watching me the entire time. i reached my hand under the bed until i felt the box. i pulled it out for under his bed and sat it in front of me, getting off of my knees and sat on my butt.

i unlocked the brown box with the correct combination carl had given me and opened the box. i grabbed a blunt out of the box and the lighter and lit it then shut and locked the box, sticking it back under the bed. i stuck it in my mouth and took a hit, blowing the smoke out. i handed the blunt to carl and he did the same. he handed it back to me and i watch as he zoned out, thinking about something. i continued watching him as i took a few more hits and he once came back to reality.
"fuck." he sighed standing up.
"whats wrong?" i asked furrowing my eyebrows together.
"fiona put together this thing where we all have a certain amount we have to pay at every month to continue living here to pay bills and shit, 400 bucks each month and i don't have my pay." he said rubbing his hands over his face.
"relax babe, we'll figure something out." i said standing up and sitting next to him on his bed giving him the blunt.
"we gotta rob a gas station." he suddenly said blowing out the smoke.
"why is that the first thing that comes to your head." i chuckled. truth is i didn't have a problem robbing the gas station at all.
"i don't know but we gotta do it." he smiled.
"then lets do it." i smiled. "really?" he asked.
"yeah." i shrugged standing up.
"i'm gonna go home and get ready, ill be back soon." i said putting carl's sweatpants on, and nike slip ons and pecked his lips.
"see you soon." he smiled giving me another kiss, making me smile and with that i walked out his bedrrom and downstairs.
"hey chey." Debbie greeted me.
"hey debbie" i smiled stopping myself.
"whatcha up to?" she asked.
"private things." i chuckled.
"well okay then, ill see you later." she smiled.
"bye debbie." i smiled walking out the door.
i finished getting ready, i simply had on black leggings, all black retro jordan 12's, one of carl's black hoodies and had a black ski mask in my pocket. i walked out the door and walked down the street to my cousins mickey and mandy's house before going back to carls. i knocked on the door, waiting a few minutes before mandy answered. "hey chey." she smiled.
"hey mandy, is mickey here?" i asked her.
"yeah wait a sec." she smiled shutting the door. i stood outside waiting a few minutes looking at the house before the door opened, revealing mickey. "what up chey?" he asked.
"i need a gun." i told.
"oh, i need a gun, nice to see you too, yeah i'm fucking good, come the fuck on in." mickey started mumbling using the word fuck multiple times, he opened the door wider and walked away, i walked in and followed him. i followed him into his room and he opened up his closet grabbing a suitcase opening it to reveal a shit load of guns. "what do you need a gun for anyways?" he asked looking at me. "to rob a bank." i responded. "oh okay." he nodded like it was normal, because it was in this family. he reached into the suitcase and pulled out a techna clip glock. "this is what you need." he asked, i took it out his hands and looked to see if it had bullets and shut it back. "thanks mickey, i'll be back later, thank you and love you." i smiled before running out his house and back down the street to carls.

i walked into the house, the gun in my pocket along with the ski mask, lip was sitting on the couch watching tv, i ran upstairs to carl's room to see him ready dressed in all black as well, laying on his bed. "come on let's go." i smiled. he stood up and put his shoes on and we ran out the house. "you got a ski mask?" he asked. "yeah, you?" i asked. "yeah, and a sack for the money." he responded. "and i got this." i said pulling the gun out my pocket showing him. his eyes widen, "i bet you'll look hot pointing it at someone." he smirked as i shoved it back in my pocket as we also approached the gas station. "put your mask on babe." i chuckled. we both put the ski masks on and proceeded to walk into the gas station, let's get this show on the road.

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