without you, there is no me.

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I laid in the warm bed in the pitch black. The voices took over yelling over if we should tell him, but I kept silent and just listened to them. One voice was angelic, but you could tell it had a dark aura. The other was deep, and it would offer growl and snap. Normally I couldn't hear them, or I pushed them away. However, tonight I was too weak.
I'm gonna tell him.
I decided to do it now before I chickened out. I slowly opened the guest bedroom door, to see him on his phone. He looked up at me and patted the space next to him. I sat on top of the comforter, and twiddled my thumbs.
"If I told you something, you wouldn't think I'm a weirdo...or a freak?" I asked. Denis set his phone aside and sat up.
"Of course not."
I took a deep breath in.
"You know that kidnapping situation awhile back, and there was only two survivors?"
"I was one of them, I got used to burying the bodies of other who had been thrown down into the basement. The other person..I don't want to talk about them..."
Denis was speechless, and I was ashamed.
"I still have nightmares about it, daydreams, I can't get over it..and it was 2 years ago."
Denis engulfed me into a hug, and I started to cry.
•violence warning•
I laid on the old rustic surgery table waiting, for the torture to begin. Somehow, after being here for so long it still hurts. A sting and the sound of a whip, and then the feeling of blood rushing down my leg.
"Is that all you've got, old man?" I spat. He punched me in the mouth, causing it to bleed. He got up in my face, so I spit blood into his eye.
"You whore."
His voice growled, it sounded like the demon in my head. The one that yelled at me all day down in this hell hole. I have to sit on the cold concrete tied with rope, wounds bleeding and open. The only thing covering me is the gauze around my boob area, and the black pair of shorts I managed to make out of the people who have died clothes.
"D-Denis..do you think I'm a freak?" I whispered
"No. I think your a hero."
"Do you believe me?"
"I want to make sure you do.."
I turned around, and lifted up the back part of my black sleep shirt. I felt Denis' cold fingers trace the long scar that goes along my back. At the touch I could still feel the sting sensation from when I was whipped badly.
"It wasn't a normal whip that day, he attached razor blades to it."
I shivered at the memory. I turned around and saw Denis was tearing up a bit.
"Hey, it's oka-"
Before I could finish Denis slammed his lips into mine causing a volcano of butterflies to erupt. I kissed back after the shock died down, and when he pulled away for air he placed his hand on my cheek.
"I'm never going to let anything happen to you." I was in complete shock. He held me for so long and wouldn't let go, it was nice. I felt secure.
A man in the corner tugged on his restraints, I just sighed.
"Don't bother, I've already tried." He just groaned and I could tell he was scanning my bloody wrists and swollen eye.
"How would you know? I'm a man, that means I'm stronger than you." He spat.
"If we weren't tied down in an old
man's basement, being tortured..I'd kick your ass for that comment."
"Wait, you aren't the one who brought me here?"
"I was the bait, it was forced. I'm the reason everyone comes, and that's why I'm still alive."
"How could you do this?"
"Trust me, I wish I was dead already."
*end of flashback*
I looked up at Denis with tears in my eyes. If only he knew what I was forced to do...
He looked down into my blue eyes, and gave me a small smile. The moment seemed to freeze, I couldn't do this. Then again, I do like Denis. I'll be breaking my own rules...
"What about Danny?" I said sighing.
"If you have to date him, I'll back off. I just want you to know that I'll be here for you."


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"Thank you Denis." I smiled up at him and planted a soft kiss on his lips before getting up and walking to the door.
"Please stay a little longer." He whined.
"Don't you sleep?" I asked turning around and crossing my arms.
"No, my mind has a capability of being messed up."
"You're afraid of your dreams?"
"Aren't you?"
I chuckled at his response and sat down next to him. He pulled me into his lap, and rested his arms on my shoulders. He got his phone out and scrolled through Instagram and Twitter. I didn't care what he was looking at, I was busy staring at the moonlight sky out the window. The stars shined perfectly, and the noise outside wasn't too loud. In fact, for once in a lifetime I was happy it was quiet. It was peaceful, and peaceful was a feeling I never had even since the incident.
maybe i could get over this...
or maybe, it would bite me in the ass.
(A/N) heyo! It's a longer chapter than normal ik, but that's because I wrote till I was tired last night and right now on the bus🙄well gtg, wish my luck.

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