Night Dreamire

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I couldn't think straight. My mind went off course completely. It's all my fault. Why do I have to be this way? I should have never gave into sleep. She would have never been lost in the woods. It should have been me.

The moonlight could no longer be seen. We were in a deep part of the woods where everything was thick. The tops of the trees were covering the night sky and the stars that glimmered couldn't sneak in their beauty.

Neil took out his sword. He slashed at the weeds under him grabbing him by his heels. A serious look was on his face. He was focused to find her.

A huge gust of wind made it through the cold forest and pushed me as if it were budging me to go forward. The forest grew darker to a black I can't even name. A dark dark black like that of Angel's hair, but it didn't shine. The darkness was so thick that it was hard for me to even make a move. It was the type of dark that you would be too scared to even place your foot anywhere.

I saw a figure in the forest. The kind of figures you see when your looking into darkness. But the figure didn't look like those creepy creatures you made figures with the shades of black in your head...I walked closer. It looked like Angel.

"Angel?" I murmured.

No answer.

I took another step closer.


It was just a tree stump. A tree stump that was obviously torn off from its top making it rigid and all the more into a figure. It's silhouette just seemed to form Angel very well. Sadly, it wasn't her.

I was saddened.

But that's why I was here wasn't I? To find her. Not to think I found her and then feel as if I had lost all hope. My mind was becoming irrational. My mind IS being blocked by my emotions and feelings.

It was all too much I guess.

I turned back around and started walking to Neil.

My arms felt the tingling of the breeze. It was fairly getting colder. I started to hear a familiar patting. A patting that was faint, but soon grew louder. The leaves began to flop shifting and rustling. I felt something hit my face. A big drop of water.

I lifted my hand to wipe it off. I looked out in the distance. The forest soon was being showered and so was I.

Maybe also Angel. Alone. Cold, wet, lost, and hurt in the woods. Hiding under a tree in the dark.

I shuddered at the thought.

I quickly wandered left and right, along with the group in search of her.

The winds were soon too strong. A wind that would push you backwards if one lost their footing sweeped through the forest.

I pushed against it. It was as if it wasn't there. I could feel it, but my feelings for Angel was stronger.

"Peter! We have to go back! The storm is too strong."

I heard the faint shouting of my friends. I turned to look at them. The hard drops that fell on my back and face didn't occur to me as if it wasn't there.

"We have to find her! She's out there! I know it! The rain! The storm! We have to find her now!" I pointed out.

"Peter! We can't! We'll have to wait! It's already dark, and now it's cold and wet!" Neil yelled back.

I felt a tap in my shoulder. Archie. Of course, the wise one. He'll understand.


"I'm sorry Pete, but we can't risk it. This storm is truly stronger than a regular rain. If it were less windy, I would myself keep searching, but I think Angel will manage. She's a tough girl."

The Roaming Archer (NaNoWrimo13&14) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now