Chapter 4 - Can It Be?

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WAuthor's Note: Sooo, how's errybody liking it so far!!!!? seriously I need votes and comments or fan me! or all of the above! leave a comment and I will dedicate a chapter to you!!

Well anyways check my other stories! Reccomend stories to me! Or give me advice for this story!!!

Well this chapter shall be quite exciting and hopesfully well get more funifying!!!!

Well go ahead and checks it out!!

P.S Angel is a boy. He is gay. Angel and Ariel are fratuenal twins. So yeah hope clears everything up,




My Aunt slowly came to a stop at the La Push beach. My sister leaped out of the car holding a neon pink duck floaty and a one piece bikini that was extremly revealing and a light baby blue, at first sight people might think she's a cotton candy based hooker... I got out of the car and stretched. My aunt Rachel went around to the back and opened the trunk and grabbed the cooler and towels and walked over on the beach where she placed the towels and the cooler,I grabbed our red, and yellow beach umbrella and placed it in the sand inbetween My aunt and myself.

Ariel was just about to dive into the crystal clear water when a large group of guys walked onto the beach through the forest, I hadn't noticed until now, not to far off of the beach was a tall green forest just like the one surrounding forks. Ariel wouldn't have noticed them except for the two facts that one they were  being extremly loud and playing around and two that they were like a giant group of male underwear models! I swear everyone of them was so hot!

But then, one caught my eye.. he was tall but short compared to the rest who were probably close to seven foot. Him.. He had a perfect olive skin, flawless body, chizzled face and big chocolate brown eyes that just made me want to melt.. and Like that.. it was like we were the only ones on the beach, my heart raced, our eyes came in contact and then he ran away.. I suddenly came back to reality.. That amazing boy ran away into the forest, and the rest of his group looked around at each other, trying to figure out what had happened.. and so was I.

I didn't realize I was running into the forest until I tripped over the root of a tree and was falling face first when right before I hit the ground someone caught me, my saviour lifted me and up and that's when I saw him. it was him.. the boy from the beach,he held me in his arms, he was so hot.. not like hot hot.. but hot as in warm.. We stood there staring into each other's eyes when one of the boys from his group saw him holding me in arms and his facial expression went from confused to disgust. Then they both ran away further into the forest, and he let go of me so quickly I fell back against the trunk the tree and exhaled.. What the hell is going on?

Jacob Black's POV

A regular tuesday morning, playing with nessie, the love of my life, she was the most precious thing in the world. Everything seemed fine, until I began hearing Seth's thoughts, and then Leah heard him to and we were both running after him, Fuck! Why was paul such a fucking antagonist!! He always had to start shit.. I made it to the clearing where both Seth and Paul stood only inches apart. Seth grinding his teeth in anger, and paul smirking, both of them ready to transform and rip each others throats out. Leah just arrived when Paul transformed and launched himslef at Seth, Leah was about to charge at Paul, but Seth didn't transform no, he knew better, instead right as Paul got close enough, Seth ducked, and kicked Paul in the thraot, Paul flew acrss the clearing and landed deep in the forest.

Leah walked over and i followed her. She patted him on the shoulder and we were heading back to the beach when some random emo-looking guy walked over towards us, huffing and puffing, then all of Seth's thoughts came clear to me, and apparently leah to because we both looked at him and I idiotically blurted out, "Seth your gay?"

Angel's POV

It was adorable how quickly, that boys- I mean Seth started blushing when his other friend said that..

After that Seth quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me through the forest with a concerned look on his face, every few seconds he looked at me and then looked back at the ground. This continued for about twenty minutes until I stopped and since he didn't realize I stopped he kept walking and ended up pulling me into him, I looked up at him, probably blushing like mofo! When he said it,"I'm in love with you."



Author's Note: Holy shit!!! What??? Don't worry the entire story hasn't even be revealed.. There's a lot more to come!!! What do you think?

Next few chapters will have very much Ariel involvment, like blah. lol. Sorry haven't been on in like forever!!! Message me, vote comment. I love all of you cazy wattpadders, your all children of the magical rainbow colored unicorn and so that makes you officially awesome :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2012 ⏰

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