The Diary and News Papers

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Blaze's POV~

"It's been 2 years since the "Defeat" of my terrible excuse for a sister. Clestia gave us some necklaces  (each with a different gemstone in it, to represent our element) I barely ever wear mine though. Silver Mist loves he's only because it's a sapphire (and it's circular) but Celestia never told us why we need these things, but she said to jeep them on at all times (I am disobeying the princesses rules) Nothing has really come up so I just study magic, Silver Mist studies with me, Gale is part of the weather team here in Canterlot, and as for Willow, she has her own garden outside in the backyard. Anyways...... I have nothing to say so I'll just close this up..... BYE!"

"There" I said as I finished my diary entry "I finished the first diary entry we have made in the last 2 years. Happy?" "Yes, very" Willow said. "Well I have to get the news paper anyhow so I'll be back in an hour" Gale said as she put on a coar,sunglasses, and a hat (to hide her identity) "Ok, we will be studying magic as usual......"  Silver Mist sounded down but I haven't any idea why.

Gale's POV~

It was a dark, cloudy day, it looked like it was going to rain...... "Oh wait!" I said to myself "it IS going to rain today!" I couldn't believe I forgot the schedule I had put up! It rains every Friday every two weeks. As I trotted up to the News Paper stand I caught a glimpse on one of the papers of what I thought read "Prisoner Escapes Askaban" but I thought it was really nothing. I purchased the news paper and went to reading. What I found, was something Blaze might want to see.......

Authers note~ Holy cow, I finally made the second book, what do you think might happen? Post your thoughts down in the comments! ^^

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