Family Problems

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Denise POV---

"Call the fucken Guards Mark! Close those fucken gates !", Eduardo roared after he got of the shock of Violet walking out the door. Pointing at the direction where she left.

"Dont.", I literally blurted ,but they didnt listen to me,and started to walk backwords continuing to stare at Eduardo for other directions.

I stared hopelessly at them  ,my heart hammering crazily.And my eyes wanted to tear up remembering poor Violets face ,with unshed tears as she caught somewhat on what  Eduardos was planning.

She needed space,she would be misrable if she was held here more against her will.

So without thinking ,I pulled out both of my guns from my garter ,and aimed at the guards.

"Let her go.", I gritted finally snapping out of my haze ,my chest heaving heavily.

The guards looked between us but since Eduardo was clearly the boss his order was to be done .So with wary faces with their eyes glancing once and now then at my guns they continued to retreat,but with reluctance now.

I looked at Adam and Todd for some support but they kept their gazes on Eduardo. The guards continued to stare between both of us and it seemed that Eduardo was about to explode when he spotted that they hadnt moved as fast as he wanted.

Eduardo turned around to look at them looking absolutely livid .

"The fuck.Do as I fucking say! If she gets out the gates I will fucking slit your throats out !", He roared his teeth baring as he told his guards .

"You will do no such thing ! You may go do your rounds .", Adam spoke behind us .

Once his voice echoed through the room ,I felt relief and at the same time worry throughout my body as I turned to my side so I could look at him.

The guards looked at Eduardo and Adam then at me their faces showing of their confliction.

"What the fuck are you thinking about pieces of shits! Get her!", Eduardo roared at them ,but glared at Adam.

"No,let her leave!", Adam yelled ,my eyes widening at Adam for he never ever raised his voice.

"The fuck you say!", Eduardo confronted him ,making his way to Adam.

"Adam.", Todd said in a warning voice ,his eyes looking in between Adam and Eduardo worriedly. He grabbed hold of Adams shoulder stopping him .

"Dont fucking touch me.", Adam spat out shrugging him off.

"Eduardo we need to think of  someth-", Todd started to say but then Adam started to yell at him to shut up and then Eduardo started to confront Adam learning his place.

"Enough!", I screamed ,my high pitched scream echoing through the corriodor.

The guards backed away as fast as they could as they sensed a confrontation to begin through the four of us.

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