When You Need A Laugh

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A/N (Author's Note): so I'm bored to death and I would like to have fun. Here is a list and try as much as you can, I will do as much as I can:

1. Pretend you are asleep on a road that leads to your school. When someone wakes you up and asked you "WTF ARE YOU DOING?" just scream "I AM GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" and run the opposite way. Works better if you already have your school stuff.

2. Go play a video game and keep going to suicide by feeding the other team. Then when people say "WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING?" you reply as "Can't you see? I have self-esteem issues. YOUR NOT MAKING IT BETTER." (works with games such as league of legends)

3. Every time someone says basement, say "oot oot!" like hoot, but without the h.

4. When you are mad, mouth the words "Vacuum"  so it looks like "Fack You"

5. Go around a library and shush people.

6. At school, switch all the pair of shoes so non of them match.

7. Act like a Snotty British Brat and when people ask why, say you were pretending to be them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2013 ⏰

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