C.8~ Just Like Me

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The next week went by in a blur.

Xavier dropped by the house every other day to see Lily, even if it was for a couple minutes.

School had been. . . different. Norah made it very apparent that she had been with Xavier any time he wasn't with me, doing only God knows what.

I knew her Get a Guy plan. It always started out with her flirting and giggling, which had happened back at the house a week ago. Then she would move on to the Sleeping With Him stage. Which, by the way she hung off his arm and kissed him, I was pretty sure had already happened.

But that wasn't what was off. She acted almost as if she was flirting and kissing Xavier to piss me off. She would stare at me over his shoulder any time she kissed him, like she was seeing if it affected me. What she was doing wasn't pissing me off, not in the least. No, it was the fact that she was doing it in the first place that was starting to get on my nerves.

". . . right, Bea?" My head snapped up as Norah's voice pulled me back into reality. She was resting her head against Xavier's arm as she scowled down at her phone.

"What?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and set her phone down in front of her.

"I said that you don't want to go to Homecoming, right? I swear, Bea, you're worst then my brother. At least he listens to half of what I'm saying." She muttered, shaking her head at me. That was it, that little word was what sent me flying off the edge.

Being sleep deprived because of the last few nights of Lily keeping me up all night, and the way Norah had been acting all week, I couldn't take it anymore. I could feel myself starting to snap.

"Maybe I would listen to you if you stopped talking shit about people. If you actually looked in the mirror for once and saw that the problem is you not Rachel or Evan, you!" I exploded, shoving my food into the trash, "And stop shoving your relationship in my face, Norah. I get it, I'm a loser! I don't have a boyfriend and I don't have a life. Are you happy now?" I stormed out of the cafeteria before she or the rest of the cafeteria could say a word.

It wasn't until I was out in the hallway that I leaned back against a locker and buried my face in my hands.

Why the hell had I just done that?


"Beatrice? Are you in here?" I fixed my hair and lifted my head, my breath catching in my throat.

"Bea?" I shook my head to myself as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Go away." I grumbled, glaring at the door to the stall. My eyes lingered on the phone numbers and curse words that were scribbled all over it.

"Beatrice, come out here." I only sniffled in response to his words.

"No. You shouldn't even be in here, Xavier. It's the girls bathroom." I snapped, my voice cracking. I heard a sigh outside the door and a second later Xavier slipped under the small space beneath it. I stared in horror and awe, my vision starting to blur again.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, scratching the back of his head as if he were slightly uncomfortable.

"Why are you in the girls bathroom?" I whispered. He stared at me for a second, his eyes darkening.

"Because you ran out of there and nobody seemed to care. I wanted to make sure you were okay." I couldn't help but feel a little shook by his words. Xavier was worried about me? The guy that didn't care about anything, was worried about me?

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