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I finally got into my class room and the whole class looked at me "look who finally decided to show up." The teacher said sarcastically. "Sorry." I said as the class started to whisper. "Class! Do your warm up!" The teacher snapped.

"Okay Rebecca, you missed a lot of work." She handed me a folder filled with papers there was atleast 10 "I'm missed 2 days! Oh my god!" I nearly yelled. "It's all due in two days, no go sit and get out your warm up." I turned on my heels and rolled my eyes "yes ma'm." I said sitting next to Ester "wow, Mrs. Pop star, you finally decided to show." She said bitterly. I rolled my eyes, "whatever."

All day I was pulled in every direction either taking a picture or being asked a million questions and all of a sudden I was so popular. People were either scared of me or wanted to be my friend desperately. I pulled out my phone and noticed I was late for practice. "Fuck." I ran to the locker room and quickly changed into my uniform and then grabbed my helmet and ran out to the field. It's like a million degrees and our uniforms are longed sleeved, i have 25 pages of homework due in 2 days. I needed to do that instead of this. "I'm sorry I'm late coach!" I yelled running. "James! Come on get your head in the game, I know your playing celebrity right now, but snap out of it." Coach Mary snapped. "Hey ester!" I smiled, she rolled her eyes and walked in the other direction.

"SPRINTS GO!" Coach yelled and we all began running around the plates.

"Come on James! Hit that ball, where did your focus go! We have a game tomorrow!" The coach yelled at me. I was getting so mad, "I'm fucking trying!" I yelled slamming them at on the ground with tears filling my eyes. "James! You treat equipment with respect! I have had enough of your attitude, I don't know what has gotten into to you over the past 2 days! I don't care if your a Lovato, or related to the famous Demi Lovato, we are your team get that through your head. You never let us down so don't start now." Mary snapped at me. "Now go do 30 push-ups!" She snapped.

I sighed really hard and walked off the field and began to do my push-ups, this ain't fair I didn't ask for this life, I didn't ask for a million people to mob me in the hallway." I stopped doing my push-ups and stood up. "JAMES WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW!?" Mary yelled angrily. "First off my name is Rebecca, second off I was late because I was being mobbed in the damn hallway, second I'm sorry but I can't control who I'm related to and what other people do. I don't think I'm the shit I don't think I'm better than anyone else, but do you have any clue what it's like to be me? Being pulled from one home to another, going from abused to famous like that? You know how hard it is not being able to go somewhere without paparazzi showing up or constantly being called names? No you don't." I spat getting close to her.

For some reason I was just on a roll, the coach looked at me shocked. "And you Ester out of all the fucking people in the world I never thought you would leave me. My bestfriend the person I told everything to, I'm sorry that I can't give you the attention you want but I need to take care of myself, I haven't been rude to you one bit and as soon as I tell you I'm related to Demi you ignore me, you start being rude to me, you don't think I get enough of that? Get it through your thick ass skull and think about some one else for a change will ya? I'm trying to be there for you and YOU are the one pushing me away. You really fucking hurt me." I snapped, Esters face went from angry to sad.

I looked at my team who was in complete and utter shock. I was so angry I turned on my heels and ran to my bag and picked it up and left the field with tears streaming down my face. Before I knew it I had ran all the way home. Dianna was here which meant everyone else is. It's currently 4 and I have to finish the 20 pages of homework by tomorrow. I walked in and angrily slammed the door shut. "Woah woah woah, what's going on?" Dianna asked walking into the room. "Nothing! I'm perfectly fine! I'm going to take a shower and do my homework!" I snapped running up the stairs.

I slammed my door shut and locked it, "oh my god." I looked at my room and things were out of place. I set my stuff down and I was freaking out, stressed, angry as angry can be, an anxiety and a panic attack all in one, i was about ready to punch someone in their face. Your probably wondering I though you wanted to make people smile and be happy, yes I want that but I never said I had to be happy. I have multiple mental illnesses and sometimes it piles up and becomes to much and I snap.

I opened my door and angrily ran down the stairs to the kitchen, all eyes darted on me, I grabbed the medicine box, which is in the cabinet. I pulled it out and angrily searched for basically anything. I searched through the pills

"Rebecca James anxiety"
"Rebecca James ADD & ADHD"
"Rebecca James anti-depressants"

God I just realized how crazy I was. I grabbed my anti-depressants and grabbed two pills and then I grabbed my add & adhd pill so I could stay awake. I threw them back in the basket and looked at everyone staring at me with horror "I'm fine." I said taking the pills and running upstairs. I quickly got in the shower and then changed into sweat pants and a sports bra, I did two French braids and began to clean my room. Someone had gone through my underwear and sock drawer and messed it all up. It was all folded nicely underwear on one side and socks on the other, my desk was a mess like someone fell into it. I sighed deeply and took all of my socks and underwear out of the drawer.

Why did this matter to me so much, why does it bug me when things aren't in place. Oh yeah because I'm crazy.

Can Rebecca do this? Will she make it out alive!?
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