Twenty Seven

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Lola was in her bedroom trying not to eavesdrop.

Andy and Alec were in her living room having the little discussion that was requested by Andy. She knew for a fact that Matt hadn't done this with Alec, even though he burst into her apartment while they were kissing.

They were talking relatively quietly and she couldn't really hear much from in her room but she wanted to press her ear up to the door or even crack the door open just to hear. Instead, she was just on her laptop randomly looking at pins on Pinterest. For some reason a lot of her feed was filled with couples and very nice looking men. She scrolled past these pictures but almost everything said 'relationship goals' or 'boyfriend goals'. Not even helping it she thought, "If those are your goals then you don't have much going on in your life..." But then again she and Alec weren't really doing much so they wouldn't even be considered 'relationship goals' anywhere or ever. People could dream though right? That's what everybody was doing by saying 'relationship goals' right? It was just a hope and dream that they wanted to happen.

Then a little voice inside her head snapped at her. There was no reason to be bitter about any of this considering she was in a relationship but a little part of her wanted to have the dream of a great relationship like those pictures were showing. Realistically her and Alec could have one of those relationships but not yet, they hadn't been together for too long or really known each other for too long either. She knew of him before they'd met but he didn't know anything of her; weird things happen though.

"This is so stupid." She groaned aloud and shut her laptop before replacing it with her phone.

She'd hoped that things had calmed down with her relationship on social media. She hadn't really posted anything on any of her accounts recently as she waited for things to simmer down, she looked but she just didn't post.

As she read through her Twitter feed she noticed that there was still chatter about everything and she mentally debated tweeting about it.

Is this just a publicity stunt or something?
Reply: Who knows?
Reply: Neither of them have commented on it, it probably is
Reply: I doubt it was, she was really surprised when he asked her out
Reply: They could've just been acting

How do they even know each other?
Reply: They go to the same school
Reply: I heard that she transferred from another school so that they could get together for the publicity

How do they even know each other?Reply: They go to the same schoolReply: I heard that she transferred from another school so that they could get together for the publicity

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How would she explain this? @ LAvalon
Reply: Who is that?
Reply: Is she cheating on Alexander?

There were more comments than just those but she couldn't look at any of them. As soon as she read the first few she gasped and looked up at the picture above it. It was only her and Reece hugging from the other day, it was literally just her hugging her friend but everybody was interpreting it wrong.

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