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Alright so this prompt is from an actual conversation I overheard between two guys at my school. It's nothing special:

Guy 1: "dude I kinda just want to drop out of school and become a male stripper."
Guy 2: "that'd be hot."

Just imagine your favourite sideman or pack ship. Write a short oneshot about what follows.

Here are some possibilities:

1. Person 2 accidentally responds "that'd be hot" while distracted by Twitter or something, and realises what he has said, leading to blushes, laughs and hugs :)

2. (For a longer oneshot) Person 1 actually does become a stripper, and is room mates with Person 2. After work one day, Person 1 comes home in costume (whatever that may be), leading to a very surprised and/or turned on Person 2.

3. Person 2 (in this case just a friend) responds "that'd be hot" with a flirtatious smirk, and OUTTA NOWHERE, Person 3, who's dating person 1, gets angry at Person 2 (the anger can either be real anger, like 'fight me bro!' or fake anger, like 'yo man back off *chuckle*')

4. Going off of number 3, the same thing happens, except Person 3 doesn't react at the moment, but later, at one of their houses (or an abandoned classroom or broom closet if you're edgy) Person 3 has to make sure Person 1 knows who they belong to.

Note: I say "who they belong to" but understand that Person 3 belongs to Person 1 just as much. Otherwise the relationship would be abusive. Just wanted to clarify.

5. The prompt conversation leads to an imaginative discussion of what Person 1 would be like as a stripper. Person 2 makes an assumption that Person 1 doesn't like, so Person 1 proves him wrong.

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