Separate ways

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The following day, I hadn't heard from Eric.
Then the next.
Then the next.
Three whole days! It's so weird.

Did I do or say something wrong?

He doesn't pick up my calls nor answer my texts.

Maybe he's busy with work...

"Excuse me, lady? Could I get another set of cutlery. Mine fell." A feminine voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, of course." I replied as I left to get the lady what she asked for.

After my shift was over, I grabbed my stuff and left the restaurant.
Water was falling from the sky, like a never ending waterfall.

I'm so glad I always have my umbrella in my bag.

I quickly grabbed my umbrella and walked to the bus station to wait for the bus. As I stood there waiting, I looked up at the sky. It was as if the sky was rebelling against the bulging, grey, weight of water. The torrents rushed forth in a mob-like roar towards the dry, unyielding ground.
Within minutes, the bus arrived. I quickly got in and sat by the window to continue admiring the crystal droplets that joined in the pummeling of the mundane world.
I was home in less than 30 minutes. I made some macaroni and cheese and walked to the living room to watch tv.
As soon as I made myself comfortable on the couch, I heard my doorbell ring.


"Coming please." I yelled.

I took another bite of my Mac and cheese walked to my door.

"Eric..." I whispered.
"Hello Stacey."
"Oh my goodness.. You're wet. Come in.."
"No, I'm not staying.."
"Oh.." I mouthed sadly.
"Stacey, we can't see each other anymore."
"... I don't want to hurt you... Not again.."
"What are you talking about?"
"I don't want you to hate me. I don't know what I would do if that happens."


"Eric, I don't get you.. What do you mean by that?"
"Goodbye Stacey." He said before walking away from me.

I stood there for about a minute or two, trying to make sense of what had just happened. I then run outside, forgetting to take my umbrella along.


But he kept walking.


Still walking.

"STOP WALKING!" I yelled.

Eric stopped and turned to look at me. I slowly made my way towards him.
My hair was now soaking wet, as were my jeans... and shirt... and feet... and face.
The storm was getting to an extreme and the more I stood right in the middle of it, the faster my heart beat and the heavier my breath got.
We heard a few distant rolls of thunder and a flash or two of lightening, but I wasn't scared. I had all I needed right there, at that moment.
He brought his hands to my cheeks and I blushed.
His hands were warmer than the blood flushing my cheeks.
Thunder was getting closer and so was he. Before he shut his lips I felt his last breath exhale onto me.
He finally closed the distance between us and before I knew it, his lips were on mine.
We were kissing in the rain beneath the clouds that blocked the sun.
We were kissing outside, letting every violent drop drench us. It was a soft, sweet, passionate and romantic kiss.
I kissed him back before I leaned my body in closer, just to feel his warmth for I was shivering in the storm. It was perfect, nothing could beat it. In that kiss I could tell he really cared. There were undeniable sparks all around us.
We slowly pulled away from the kiss.

"Stacey.. I really can't see you anymore. I'm sorry." He said before he walked to his car, sat in and drove off.

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