C.12~ Strings Attatched

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I couldn't sleep at all that night. My mind kept drifting back to my kiss with Xavier. Then I would find myself thinking about Lily, and occasionally to Norah and all the rumors.

It seemed like I only gotten a few minutes of sleep when an ear piercing scream came from across the room. I rolled out of the bed, rubbing my forehead as I took Lily out of the crib. Tears were streaming down both of her cheeks as she squirmed in my arms.

"It's okay, Lily." I whispered, rubbing her back as I walked around the room.

She had been doing it since Xaiver left early this evening, tossing and turning, screaming and crying. Nothing seemed to calm her down or quiet her.

"Baby girl, you're fine." I added, kissing the top of her head. She continued crying and I finally decided to go downs stairs for her formula.

"I bet you're hungry." I said as I walked down the stairs slowly. She only went on crying, as if she couldn't hear me trying to sooth her.

"Please, Lily, sweetheart. Stop crying." I pleaded, my own eyes starting to sting. I was exhausted and the last thing I needed was Lily keeping me up all night again.

"Do you want fresh air?" I questioned after sticking the bottle into the microwave to warm it up. I opened the sliding glass door so we were staring outside into the starry night. Lily let out a quiet whimper, but started to quiet down.

"You see that star right there?" I asked, pointing. She only stared at me blankly.

"That's my favorite star. I see it every time I look out the window." I went on, laughing quietly to myself. I was trying to hold a conversation with a baby, I really must be tired.

"Why does life have to be so complicated?" I sighed. She stared at me with big eyes but didn't respond at all. Did I really expect her too? She was only a month and a half old.

"Yeah." I finally muttered, rubbing her back again, "I don't know either."


Walking into school was harder then it was yesterday. Because I knew the rumors, I had heard them all day yesterday. When people turned to look at me or started whispering, I actually knew what they were saying.

"Bumble Bea! Hello!" I jumped in surprise as an arm draped itself over my shoulder. I turned slowly to find Brett grinning down at me, his eyes chocolate eyes lit with amusement.

"Just Bea is fine." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes, giving me a gentle shove forward.

"Don't be such a killjoy, Beatrice. I heard Xavier's looking for you." I couldn't help but snort at the comment.

"From who?" It was probably the same popular girl from yesterday, the one that had called me a whore in front of most of the school.

"From Xavier." He said quietly, "I ran into him outside. I'd kill to have his car. It's a classic." He let out a quiet sigh, staring dreamily ahead of us.

"Anyway, I kind of need you to do me a favor." I cocked an eyebrow as I turned back toward him.

"We literally just started talking like a month ago." I pointed out. He squeezed my shoulder, laughing.

"I know. But Rach seems to have taking a liking to you." He ran a hand through his hair, "I want to ask her to homecoming." I smiled at his words, at how nervous he looked.

"So what do I have to do with that whole equation? I'm sure she'd love to go with you." I replied, stopping in front of my locker. I could still feel eyes on us, but I honestly didn't really care, not right now.

The Birds And The Bees (The Baby Project #1) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now