Chapter 3

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I took in a very deep breath,preparing to tell them the worst.

"After that..everything was awkward.. We didn't talk that much and we actually had a little fight,but we got through it. We just had a special conexion,I knew it. So,one day,I was out with Isabel and Larisa,I think and it was 7:30 PM or something like this,so I went home. I had a feeling that something bad happened. I was alone at home,so I texted Ali. An idea came in my head: what if we could talk on the phone? So I texted her,saying: "Hey Ali. I was thinking how cool it would be if we talked on the phone. :) <3" I waited a few minutes and then... Then absolutely everything changed. I was waiting for her to tell me: "Yeah,it would be!" But the text was completely different. It said: "I'm sorry. I'm ready to die now. <3" 

I started shaking like hell. I was listening to In My Veins by Andrew Belle while crying and trying to stop her. I said " Ali don't. Please. " "I'm sorry. Bye <3". "Alison please stop." "Bye <3." "ALISON! ALISON PLEASE!" 

"And that was it. I texted Valerie,my friends which lives next to her,to check her out. She said she will text me:



"And then she send me a picture of her. Of Alison..hanging.. She killed herself.." I stopped,wiping the tears away.

"So.. 16th May. 8 PM. Alison is dead. I was broken. I went to her funeral on Saturday. She was like an angel,her face was perfect. I .. We.. The funeral was over.. So I went back home. And,,everything changed. At school I was a wreck. I told my friends everything and they tried to support me. But it didn't work. I needed her. I need Alison right now. I just-..." I broke down and the guys comforted me. I calmed down really slowly and they apologized.

"We are really sorry. We would never in a million years thought a girl like you has a story like this.."

"Well,.. It''s amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile."


So yeah I'm finished with the introductory part and now the story will begin officialy. Love you!

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