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  This is a collection of imagines about the Marvel Universe Characters.  Imagines are short stories to give you a certain feeling for a person. To make this experience more personal, you may request a personal imagine when the Requests are OPEN. Below is an imagine template that is optional for those who may have never requested an imagine before. This template simply gives me some details that I can incorporate into your imagine to give it more intimate details customised to you.


i// Please only comment your requests on this chapter or, if you prefer, you can PM me your request. Requests that are left on chapters are simply confusing and therefore, will not be accepted.

ii// When the requests box is closed it is CLOSED meaning I will not be accepting new requests. This is because I may have a rather long list of requests and I would like to keep up with them. It just means you may have to be a little patient for your imagine. Thank you so much!!

iii// Please be courteous as I am trying to provide you with the best result and it makes it harder when my client is rude. Polite clients make the experience a good one and the result a better one!

iv// All the requests I write are clean; therefore, I will not accept smut requests. 

Optional Template/ Details:

Preference or Imagine? This allows me to create a format suited to the selected option.

{Preference do not need the proceeding information.  Just simply state a scenario and I will write it up for all the characters.}

Which Character Would You Like? :  This is important as each character is different with their own unique traits.

Name: This will add more of a personal touch to the imagine rather than the use of (Y/N).

Nickname: This will be used a bit of a loose detail to show the relationship conveyed between yourself and the person.

Eye Colour: To give a personal detail that will give character. (Eyes are the windows to the soul.)

Hair Colour: ~

Unique Things About You: This part simply gives me some details to work with in regards to a scenario that I may create.

Where AKA Setting Of Your Imagine? This gives me some background details to further deepen the experience.

What Side Of The Character Would You Like To See? Every person has a million emotions, this helps me determine which one you would like the imagine to portray.

Any ideas? Have your say, be the boss!

Would You Like A Picture With It? A picture says a thousand words. So, I guess that's a yes then?

Please remember this is just a template for those who are not sure what to do. If you don't want to answer some of these, feel free to leave it blank, these are just some example questions!

Marvel ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now