24: We're Perfect

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Song: Perfect by One Direction.

I got down from my bed on a Saturday morning and headed straight to the kitchen since I was so hungry and I needed something to eat.

"Morning Gloria" I met her in the kitchen.I always meet her in the kitchen. She's always in the kitchen. Sometimes I even wonder if she actually sleeps there.

"Breakfast?" She nodded at me.

"Anything that'll make me sleepy and tired" I told her, I really needed to sleep. I was so stressed from all the events that happened through out the week.

"I think I'll need the same here" I heard Tyler's voice behind me and I groaned.

"Could you add some rat poisoning to that" I told Juliana and she gave me a confused look.

"I can't do that!"

I practically rolled my eyes "it's a joke. Can't you take a simple joke?"

I turned around to meet Tyler standing behind me. He was not wearing a shirt, his messy hair was evidence of him just getting out of bed also. And he still had this permanent smirk on his lips which were beginning to annoy me. At least he should've worn a shirt. Who was he trying to seduce? me? Gloria? It's definitely Gloria.

"Please put on a shirt" I shot him a glare. "This is someone's place of work, if you don't mind"

"And get out of my way" I shoved him aside and walked to the dining section to wait for my food.
A few minutes later, a plate of skillfully made breakfast though I didn't know the details of what it was, at least I knew it contained eggs.

"Is this going to make me sleep" I asked thinking it was Gloria but unfortunately I discovered it was Tyler.

"If you want to sleep that bad, you should just take sleeping pills" he told me.

"You shouldn't be talking to me you know" I told him back before commencing to eat my meal. I had barely taken a bite when I saw Tyler holding a plate and taking a seat across me on the table.

"Ugh!! Do you have seat here" I groaned.

"It's called dining for a reason" he replied

"That was rhetorical!" I reminded him and Tyler knew best not to reply. We ate the rest of our meals in silence while I kept scrolling through my phone to keep myself busy.

When I was done eating, I took a shower and changed my clothes.
I think I had slept only for an hour or so when I felt someone tapping me continuously. I was getting irritated with the way the person kept tapping me without stopping.

"Hey wake up" I heard Tyler's voice. "Your phone's been ringing"

I opened my eyes drowsily "who's calling?"

"Someone called Eric" he told me and I sat up immediately taking my phone from him.

"Where was it?"

"You left it on the dining table. Were you even sleeping just now?"

What kind of stupid question was that?

"No Tyler, I was just practicing how to die" I rolled my eyes at him. Eric started calling again  and I picked it up mouthing Tyler to get out of my room.

"Did you fry and eat your cell phone? I've been calling you for ages" Eric was almost yelling. He sounded frustrated.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Can you come to the park right now? I really need you to be here"

"Why the hell are you always going to a park? Are you a child?"

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