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31 Saturday 6th of February 2016

I could tell mum had been waiting for me because she's got a book besides her. Mum only reads when she nervously trying not to think.

Bending over to take off my shoes. I sat on the sofa facing mum folding my legs up to my chest. "Hey," I tiredly say just realising I was ready for sleep.

"How was your night Dawn, you look knackered?"

"I feel it too,' I yawn out but couldn't help but smile. Today was really special to me.

"I'll do it."

"Do what?"

''I'll meet Bradley and can you make it tomorrow before I chicken out,'' I admitted sheepishly resting my chin on my knees.

She nods pleased hey eyes sparkle. ''I'll see what I can do... Now off to bed'' I dip my head, squatting down to kiss Leo hair and walk to my bedroom. Putting my letter down, switching on my lamp, wanting to read it once I get into bed. I got cleaned up then put my phone on my table before climbing into my covers, and lean up against my pillow.

I reach for the paper and take it out of the envelope, butterflies twitching in my belly, as I tortured myself with just simply taking the letter in. I infolding the single piece of paper open and begin to read.

Hey Gem! So I guess you're wondering what this is... Well I'm going to tell you.

Do you remember the game true and dare we played at mine? Of course you do.

Do you also remember when Luke dare me to make a rap about the person across from me? That person was obviously you.

I started it, but didn't finish. That's because I didn't even start it, I can't rap and Luke knows that. He just wanted to get back at you for giving him the rhyme dare.

Well it made me think, I wanted to write something about you, and what is one of the things I think I'm alright at? Poems.

So this is it.. This will answer hopefully your biggest questions. Bye Gem!

'You are a Gem.

Your eyes tell a whisper,

That you couldn't tell.

Wondering why Gem?

Blazing emerald green,

With small blue flecks,

To tell me your hidden thoughts,

And sweet feelings.'

By the way I really, really like you Dawson and I hope I didn't mess up the date, but if I did I'm sorry. I'm a jerk again, FORGIVE ME.

I beam, chuckling out loud, reading it over again. I'm lost for words, I didn't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. Not at all. The rap totally flew from my mind.

He calls me Gem because of my eyes. I shake my head in disbelief, pulling my phone to my face and open a message to Colton, I then remember him saying he'll tell me when it's time.

Me: Thank you, the letter is really wonderful! X

I see Tyler number under Colton and realise I'm too hyped up to go to sleep and rang him just knowing he would be on his computer.

''Hey Dawson, how did it go girl?'' I grin, chuckling before I explain everything including the letter. But also about meeting Bradley and we stayed up late talking and giggling.

After we got off the phone. Tyler told me to phone me if I needed him at all. I didn't know how protective he was of me until today and it made me appreciate him that much more. Taking in the text icon at the top left of my phone and click on it, I notice it's been there since I last sent Colton the thank you message.

Colton: I'm so pleased! I'll phone you tomorrow, I have some great news I want to tell you, night. Sweet dreams. X

I ponder about what the great news is. Maybe Colton can start his treehouse early, hmm, I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I pick up the letter and run over the words one last time with my eyes before I put it on my table besides me and fall to sleep soon after.

Monday 5th of September 2012

I woke up to, ''Dawson! It's the first day of secondary school you need to get up now.'' I peeked through my eyelids to see mum's curly hair cut up to her shoulders. A nice blue dress covering her in a perfect way.

''I'm up mum.'' I stand and walk over to my black boarded mirror, ''Is dad taking me?"

''No Dawn, your dad's got a meeting.'' I slam my brush down and turn to her, ''but he said he would, doesn't he care that it's my first day at big school?''

Mum walks up, reach my shoulder but I swiftly got out of the way and ran out of my room, down the long hallway and into my big bathroom and lock the door behind me. I heard her knock, ''Dawn, please... Dad told me he'll make it up to you.'' I felt I like my heart is crushed. I sob.

''Come on Dawson, you don't want to miss meeting up with Sandy and delta?'' Mum's muffled through the door. I guess she's right. I don't want to be the one person who gets stared at for being late, I wipe my eyes and wash my face, before opening my oak door.

I see mun give me a relieved smile, ''come on.''

''I'm sorry mum but he promised me.''

She looked apoplectic, ''I know he did.''

I get changed and we wait for the driver to pull up. I see a weed growing beside my daisies and I pull a face, as I go yank it out leaving a mess in place. I so wanted to stomp my foot as I put the rubbish in the bin.

Once I got to school building. I spot my two friends waiting for me, ''Hey Dawson check that out!' Delta points as Sandy laughs. I turn to see a two boys trying to start a fight with one of us new students. it was Mick from primary.

I role my eyes at my friends. ''Aren't you going to help Mick?'' They both shake their makeup filled faces. I gave them a deadpan look before muttering, ''that's awesome.'' I walk over to the drama, ignoring the friends I couldn't stand anymore and stand behind the two older boys. Mick is pleading with them.

''I don't have any lunch money... please,'' trembled Mick. Sweat shines across his hairline.

''What are you doing?'' I cross my arm already in a bad mood. They all stop, the boys spin to stare at me as they both looked mean. The one on my left is smaller than me.

''What is it to you...!'' The taller one smugly asked.

''My name is Dawson.'' I look at Mick and tell him to go, with a discreet nod of my head and he runs. A thankful expression across his face, the boys didn't notice.

The one on the right chuckles, ''what kind of name is Dawson, that's a boy's name.'' His friend laughs.

':What are you, both five, grow up! For your information my dad's father was called David, and Dawson means his son, what can I say, I came out a girl. My parents stuck with it.''

They both turn to look at one another not expecting my answer, when the older one said, ''Whatever go away!'' I nod and go back to the girls grinning. Knowing Mick had got away.

Hello my lovely readers tell me how you are?

the story is going to be really picking up from now on :D

comment and vote, love you guys and have a good day or night!

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