C.17~ Thanks For The Memories

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Guys this book is at 500 on the What's Hot list and is at 4.4k!!!! Thank you so much! This chapter is dedicated to all you amazing readers out there. I love you and know that your votes, comments, and reads are not underappreciated. 


Christmas fever ran through the air Thanksgiving day.

My parents were setting up the tree, my mom holding Lily in her arms as she talked to her and hung the ordainment's on it with my dad. Brice was sitting on the love seat with his phone, shoving his hand into a torn bag of Ruffles.

"Good morning, sweetie!" My mom said when she saw me walk in, turning in my direction, "I hope you don't mind, I took Lily from your room this morning so she could watch us decorate the tree." She was smiling down at the baby, her eyes glistening.

I knew that my mom had always wanted an actual baby, but she wasn't able to have one. And when she rightfully adopted us, we had already been fifteen. So Lily must have seemed like a miracle to her, like a God send.

"It's fine, Mom." I replied, walking over to her. Lily outstretched her arms to me as I approached, her blue eyes huge. I took her from my mom and touched her cheek with a smile.

"Are Uncle Jeff and Aunt April coming?" I asked, lifting my head from my daughter. My mom nodded slowly, glancing up at the clock over my shoulder.

"Yes. They're also bringing the triplets. So you better keep your eye on Lily. What about your sweet boyfriend? Will he be joining us?" My mom shot back, curiosity making her already blue eyes bluer.

"I don't know. He. . ." I trailed off when I realized what he had told me. He had said he'd be spending most of today with Mae.

"Well, you should definitely invite him. He seems like a really sweet boy." I nodded in agreement and hoisted Lily higher up so I could hold her small hand.

"He is. I'll give him a call and ask him." I replied, not really believing my own words. I wasn't going to ruin his day with Mae, it was there day. I saw him all the time, I wanted him to spend time with his own family on Thanksgiving.


"Hello?" I said into my phone, my eyes scanning the isle for the right chips. The triplets would attack the house if I didn't give them food when

they got there.

"Bea? Hey." I stopped in the middle of the isle, my eyes meeting Lily's once I realized who it was.

"Xaiver? I thought you were at the hospital?" I whispered, shocked. The doctors had attacked me the last time I was there for having my phone on. They said it messed with the equipment.

"I am. I'm outside right now." His voice was quiet, he sounded. . . exhausted.

"How is Mae?" I asked, starting to push the cart again. Lily was trying to tear the phone from my hands, but I pulled away before she could.

"Actually, that's why I called. She keeps saying you promised you'd come and visit her. She wants to see you."

"See me?" I muttered, "Is she going to threaten me again?" I heard him laugh on the other end, and I could my stomach flutter at the sound. It was odd knowing I could make him laugh.

"No. She said it's important. I know you have family coming over and everything, but do you think you could stop by?" I smiled at the hopeful tone in his voice, nodding even though I knew he couldn't see me.

The Birds And The Bees (The Baby Project #1) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now