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I sighed as I stepped out of my mother's car on Friday monring. Usually, I have no reason to not like school, but I just really didn't want to be around Nick and all his stupid friends. 

I remembered back to Monday, just a couple days ago. I saw Luke and a couple other football guys staring at me as I walked to art with Ashton. At first, I didn't even think they were looking at me, but when they laughed and loked away after I noticed them, it was pretty fucking obvious. I remembered how I just shook it off, but then it happened again after first period! I didn't know who said it, but it seemed like their words were taunting me.

"You better hurry up, Nick might see you!"

What the fuck does that even mean? Why should I care if Nick sees me? No one even knows what happened betwen us. Besides, with Nick being a complete player, aren't they used to seeing the girls Nick has probably damaged in the past? I remembered how I shook that off as well, but then tuesday came along.

Luke didn't do anything, and I remember how I thought it was because he was a nice guy, but maybe its because his girlfriend is one of my closest friends at this school. But, yeah, tuesday. It was lunch time, and I was walking out of 3rd period, alone. I remember keeping my eyes ahead of me, not to look like I gave any thought to all the jocks that were all stading to the left of me. I had thought I would get away with no one noticing me, but of course, I was wrong.

"Hey, Brooke!" I I heard some random girl's voice. I had stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face whoever had called my name. It s some cheerleader, her shoulders draped by the arm of one of Nick's friends. I rasied my eyebrow at her, somewhat eager to hear what she would say next.

"How's Nick treating you?" She had said, followed by a laugh. Everyone else in that group had laughed as well, and I rememeber hearing someone mutter "Stupid new girl." 

I just shrugged and turned my back to them, and walked away. I remember how confused, and utterly shocked at how annoying and rude those people were, and I didn't even know their names!

Wednesday and Thursday had been no different, unfortunately. Its almost like Nick told all his preppy friends to bug me, because they never seemed to leave my sight and mind. I always felt eyes on me, but maybe I had been overreacting those days. I had a couple of them in my pre calc class, and I remembered hearing them talk a couple desks away from me yesterday.

"Oh yeah, that girl Brooke sure is hot." One of the jocks said sarcastically. "Too bad she's too stupid to realize she was just wanted for that."

They laughed quietly, because they knew I could hear them. That one had hurt, in a way. It didn't make any sense to me, how people could be so rude to someone who really didn't know any better. it's not like I knew Nick does this to people on a regualr basis. My school back in Orange County was so much different than this school. Of course I wasn't "popular" in my old town, but no one gave me shit because of it.

I didn't tell Ashton about any of this, either. Because I knew he would get upset, and I didn't want to give him one more thing he felt like he needed to worry about. Besides, today is not going to be like any other day of this week. If they really wanted to mess with me again, even after the past couple days of pure verbal torture, I will stand up for myself. But, who knows? Maybe none of Nick's friends will do anything today. I just prayed to God that Jessie won't make me come with her to hang out with Luke. I didn't want to be near Nick, his friends, or even Luke, for that matter.

My insanely deep and saddening thoughts were interrupted by two hands quickly cover my eyes. My heart picked itself up, and I smiled, because I could tell it was Ashton.

"Who is this?" I joked. I tilted my head back, still blinded my Ashton's hands.

"Good morning!" Ashton said happily. He removed his hands from my eyes and gave me a soft kiss.

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