What the Signs do Better than You

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Aries: Ignoring you for stupid things because of their insecurities or pride

Taurus: Arguing and proving a point without even having to yell

Gemini: Bringing down the whole group because they're in a bad mood

Cancer: Pushing away the people they need in their life the most

Leo: Pretending not to care, even though it is killing them inside

Virgo: Hiding their private life, or coming off as innocent

Libra: Literal manipulation in order to get anything and everything they want

Scorpio: Hurting themselves or others and breaking objects because they're clumsy

Aquarius: Flirtation is a trait they have down packed

Sagittarius: Ignoring what you want because what they want is more important

Capricorn: Throws shade so far and wide that they could cool off a desert

Pisces: Leting their emotions take too much control, turning off people they really want

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