━ thirty-nine: sucker punch

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     A FEW SPELLS AND scratches (mostly on the behalves of Briar and Millicent, when Briar saw Millicent move to hex Livvy and jumped onto the girl) later, the six of them set off running towards the Forest, where Harry and Hermione had taken Umbridge. The lot of them were walking with a spring in their step, even if they all had seen better days. Ron's lip was bleeding, Ginny had scratches all down one cheek, Neville had a bruise forming above one eye, and several of Briar's scars had started to bleed from the nature of Millicent's clawing.

     "Anyway, Harry," said Hermione, towards the edge of the Forest. Briar continued to look at Livvy, who looked upset, but like the events of the night weren't as bad as everything else he's seen. "How exactly were you planning to get all the way to London?"

     "Yeah," said Ron, "we were just wondering that."

     They all ducked under a couple of branches, finding the small clearing Hermione and Harry were gathering themselves in.

     "So, had any ideas?"

     Briar began to look around, somewhat interested by the surroundings. She had never been into the Forest. In her first year, she had suggested checking the place out to Fred and George, but both of them actually advised against it, probably because of the reason that it was actually dangerous.

     (Looking back on it, they had a point. But, as she looked around, she didn't see the problem in just going around the edge of it. Her dad and his friends had done it.)

     Harry asked, "How did you get away?"

     Ron shrugged. "Couple of Stunners, a Disarming Charm, Neville brought off a really nice little Impediment Jinx, but Ginny was best, she got Malfoy — Bat Bogey Hex — it was superb, his whole face was covered in the great flapping things. And thank Merlin that Briar always jumps onto the twins, because she tackled Millicent Bulstrode. Anyway, we saw you out of the window heading into the Forest and followed. What've you done with Umbridge?"

     Harry explained, "She got carried away by a herd of centaurs."

     "Wicked," Briar whispered.

     Astounded, Ginny asked, "And they left you behind?"

     "No," affirmed Harry. Livvy looked confused. "They got chased off by Grawp."

     Luna asked, "Who's Grawp?"

     "Hagrid's little brother," Ron informed. As he spoke, Briar re-did her ponytail. Millicent had, in their fight, attempted to pull Briar's hair; she hadn't managed to because the instant that she moved to do so, Briar bit onto her hand. But, considering Briar had been in a proper fight, her hair had gotten loose in the hair tie. Unfortunately. It still looked nice, though — she checked when they passed a mirror. "Anyway, never mind that now. Harry, what did you find out in the fire? Has You-Know-Who got Sirius, or—"

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