Chapter 43

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Genetic inheritance is usually a straightforward procedure. Of the fifty-two chromosomes that make up a strand of DNA, half of that amount is passed onto the offspring from either parent resulting in combined characteristics. The traits that are expressed in the child are determined by dominant and recessive genes. If one or both parents pass on a dominant gene to the child, this is the gene that is expressed. However, if both parents pass on recessive genes, then the recessive gene is expressed.

The most common genetic trait shared between parent and child is eye colour. Brown, blue, green. All are defining colours that can link entire families, the colours extending beyond irises and family banners.

The fact that the Uchiha hailed from the Land of Fire made perfect sense. However despite their natural affinity to heat their skinned remained untouched, they retaining their porcelain shade regardless of the flames that often surrounded them. Unlike the Uchiha the people of the Land of the Moon were ironically kissed by the sun; the people of the crescent island sported tanned skin, their features naturally dark and alluring.

Reina was born of fire yet held the moon close to her heart.

Her grandfather had always said that her freckles were small kisses from the moon, a visible ode to her father's ancestry. She was exceptional. Some clans frowned upon mixing blood between other clans, let alone foreign clans – but not Hidekazu. He believed variety was the spice of life and spent days questioning Taimu, Reina's father, about Tsuki no Kuni with nothing but respect and intrigue glimmering in his ochre orbs.

He simply failed to mention Taimu's divine inheritance.

Kurama snickered somewhat at the bewildered look that was etched onto the pairs' face.

"You were obviously more concerned with your lust than just who you were lusting after as the scent of the Kodaijin is obvious." Kurama sneered lowly, his eyes briefly scanning over Itachi's form. Humans were all the same; selfish creatures driven purely by their insatiable appetites. He had encountered many children of the Kodaijin in his years; they were different from other humans. With their natural affinity to the world of yōkai it often made them more understanding and open to those who were different - including him.

Itachi felt a pang of guilt twist in his chest. It was a dull sensation that made him feel slightly ill. Kurama was right. He hardly knew anything about Reina when he actually thought about it. He didn't know the often overlooked things like her favourite colour or the type of music that made her feet tap. All's he really knew was the pain she had gone through, the pain, which for most parts, he was the cause of.

"You have no right to make that assumption Kurama! Itachi-san is not that type of person, he wouldn't do that!" Naruto growled, his face taking on an almost feral form. The whisker-like markings on his cheeks were accentuated by the way his mouth twisted into a snarl. Itachi was taken by his exclamation at first; it was a defence he didn't deserve. Kurama could see through his honourable intentions as if they were glass.

"Naruto-kun please," Itachi pleaded gently. Naruto momentarily redirected his gaze from Kurama to Itachi, his expression instantly softening. "Kurama-sama is right, I actually don't know Reina at all aside from the time we spent together on the mission and the past few weeks." Itachi's lips were twisted into woeful curved line, a ghost of the smile that previously resided there.

"Oh please," Kurama snorted in disgust, his ruby like orbs rolling in distaste. Kohaku, falling over from the tailed beast's action laughed in delight standing back up before hugging his large nose. "Don't pull the lament card. Your actions have had repercussions; so be half the man the brat down there thinks you are and step up to the plate. You obviously wouldn't have made a deal with the She-Witch if you didn't care deeply for the girl." Kurama's usually booming voice was muffled by Kohaku who was still latched onto his nose like a leech.

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