9. storm

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Storm (noun): a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow


I was back in my favorite place, hanging out with my favorite people.

I was back inside the dropship on my knees beside an unconcious Finn with two meatheads keeping their iron grips on me.

"This is Raven Reyes, calling Arc station. Please come in!" Raven had finished building the radio and was now frantically trying to call the arc while Finn's condition got worse.

"Are you sure you have the right frequency?" Someone called out.

"Yeah I'm sure." Raven snapped.

"Raven, you can do this." Clarke soothed.

Clarke then moved over to Finn and replaced the bloodied bandage she had wrapped around the dagger with a fresh bandage.

Suddenly a crackled voice came through the radio and everyone held their breath.

"This is a restricted channel. Who is calling this?" The voice asked.

"This is Raven Reyes, I'm from Mecca station, I'm transmitting from the ground. The 100 are alive, please you need to get Doctor Abby Griffin." She responded urgently.

"Raven are you there?" A women's voice came through the speaker and it was Clarke who responded.

"Mom? Mom it's me." Clarke said.

"Clarke?" The women's voice was choked with emotion.

"Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a grounder." Clarke responded.

"Clarke it's the Chancellor, are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" A male voice boombed through the radio.

"Yes, the earth is survivable. We're not alone." Clarke glanced at me.

"Mom, he's dying. The knife is still in his chest." Clarke spoke urgently.

"Clarke is my son with you?" The male voice spoke again and Clarke looked like she wanted to throw up.

"I'm so sorry. Wells, is- Wells is dead." Clarke managed to choke out.

"I'm going to talk you through it step by step." The woman's voice was clear but the next thing she said was lost in the frequency.

"What? Raven what's wrong?" Clarke asked.

"It's the storm." Raven told her.

"Clarke, we need to hurry." The woman's voice was slightly clearer.

Octavia then came in with two big flasks, Clarke took a whiff and recoiled.

"Monty's moonshine?" Clarke asked.

"Pretty sure no germ could survive it." Octavia spoke up.

Suddenly a huge crash could be heard form outside.

"The storm's getting worse. Monroe, we need to close the doors." Clarke announced.

"But we still have people out there." She argued.

"Monty and Jasper aren't back yet, neither is Bellamy." Octavia chipped in.

"It's allright. They'll find some place to ride it out." Clarke comforted her. Raven came over.

"One suture needle." Raven handed it to her.

"I still need something to close the wound." Clarke said.

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