Segment 55

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Her point of view-
The next day i got up with a smile on my face remembering last night incidents...
I rolled over the other side and found a note with a mug of coffee..
"Good Morning Sweetheart.!
You are not coming to office today..i have rescheduled all your meetings so you just take care and get your rest..!" it read...
Awwwiee this was so cute..!
I got up from my bed ... enjoyed my coffee...tuned in the radio and headed towards the bathroom for a long shower..
Dressed up in one of the dresses he had bought for me i head up to the mall to buy him gift for his birthday that is just round the corner..
After my short shopping trip..which turned long..exhausted i seat myself in the food court to grab a quick bite..
Suddenly i see a familiar face pass by and i call out to them...
The girl turns and she is none other than HIS GIRLFRIEND..
Guilt takes over me and i decide to talk to her...
She leads me to a table where a guy is already seated..she introduces him as her
"What is the meaning of all this?" I ask her anger boiling inside me..
She is cheating on him..How dare she hurt him..
I feel like riping her head up..
"I think its time you should know the truth" she says..
"Truth..?" I ask her suspiciously..
"He is just my best friend..and we are not dating ..that was all a set up because he wanted to fulfill your wish.." she says all in one go...
"But what about the other were in his room" i try to cross question her...
She laughs out loud..
"Areey..! He wont even look at any girl except you let alone touch them" and she continues laughing...
His point of view-
I feel so stupid today.. I asked her to stay back at home today and then curse her for not coming to office ..
Silly me..
But we got this meeting sucessful only because of her presentation..she deserves a gift ..
So..i cancel any further meetings for the day and head to the mall to buy her gift...
3 hours of roaming around in almost all the shops i select one dress for her and turn to head home..
But the scene in front of me makes stop..
It was her..she was in a cafe with
He has his hand over her hand and she din't seem to protest about it ...
Anger boils up inside and i head home...
Her point of view-
Oohh Myy Godd..! I can't believe it ..
My hottie can be so cute...
I need to tell him i love him ...we love each other i can't wait...
"Wow jaan..! little too haapy are we..?" I heard a voice call out ..
I turned to find out the source of the voice and i regretted my decision the next moment ..
It was ex- fiance..
"24 hours ... i challenge will be next to me in my arms" he says..
"In your dreams" i said and walked away in a huff..
"Wo accident toh yaad hoga hi na tumhe" he calls out to me...
And realisation hits me ... that day that was all a plan...
"Usdin toh trailer tha....Picture toh abhi baki hain meri jaan" he says and grabs my hand...
Anger starts to boil up inside me ...
How dare he..?
I stamp his foot with my heel sandel and catch hold of his collar..
"He is mine..No one..can hurt him...not even me.." i say and with that i walk out of the cafe...
I reach home to find it unusually dark..
Where was everyone..? Dadu..? Kaka..?
I quickly dial up Kaka number to find out about their whereabouts..
"Beti Dadu aur Main Aashram aaye hai Babaji se milne..2 din baad lautenge..
Tum apna aur Baba ka dhyan rakhna" kaka says before hanging up..
But where is my hottie?? Why is the house so dark??
I switch on the lights and start move towards my room when somebody pulls me in a corner ..

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