Part 4

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Antonio was waiting ready too go with his own thing waiting. We were gong all the way too America since it was the fairest and I fake hated it too my grandpa and so many other countries so he would be confused at first. We said we would go somewhere far
So we won't get caught so we began too move and for months since that had happened I began too dress like a boy and take more jobs and get more money along with Antonio. I was getting stronger and stronger and slowly I made Juliet look like a boy as well and she began too work with me doing the smaller easier things. After like 5 months we have been getting a lot of money and we were getting near our destination. We headed from people that my grandpa was searching places for me. I obviously sold Ludwig's ring too one of the other people for some gold with a disguise saying that I bought it from a girl leaving too some place near Germany. Obviously my grandfather got too him thanks too the ring and thankfully I covered my face a lot and made sure I looked like a different person. After some days now, we finally arrive and we built a house. After a while we began too build more and more and it became into a nice house with a lout of things. We were in the middle of no where but we were with a lot of animals and veggies. Antonio went too work while I did a lot in the house and went too work myself with Juliet afraid of leaving her alone.

~~5 years later~~

We were getting big, I finally was able too marry Antonio and I put a lot of books so we could all read and write. Everything was perfect and then while me and Juliet looked like men thanks too the jobs we took and haircuts we got we saw grandpa Rome. We at first were in shock. Hopefully he didn't recognize them since they both changed their names and called each other differently. They both turned around too face us. They went up too us but thanks too me being a bit taller then regular girls and smaller then most boys. He smiled and asked if we had seen a girl named Chiara or Juliet. Obviously fake acting too never had heard it thanks too acting a lot in the past he walked away with Felicia tagging along. We both went on like nothing had happened and went too go home. I then started too cook some dinner while Juliet was doing something in the floor. Someone then warped their hands around me so I tensed a bit. "I'm home mio amore" he kissed my cheek and obviously I smiled. "How was work amore" I asked in my voice since when I'm at work I use a man voice. "Oh it was exhausting thank god I have one at least." He changed a lot during the years, he had a pony tail and was more buffer no one would have noticed if it were not me. "How was your day mio amore?" He asked "oh it was a weird one, I meet grandpa Rome, and let me tell you, he has not given up finding me." I tell him silently in wonder. My name while being here is Lovina Romano Vargas while Antonio's was his own name just different in a way. Since they don't usually let women work I call myself Romano and they hire me because of my experience. "Oh? So he didn't recognize you?" I nodded "that's a good thing" I said quietly "he didn't even suspect it was us" Juliet said as she sat in a chair with a pencil and paper beginning too draw. "Probably the new look" I said giggling. She nodded also giggling.

After we were done with our food we all went too bed, we had five bedrooms one for me and Antonio, another for Juliet the last 3 are guest rooms. Antonio then messaged my back while I purred. "Mm~ that feels nice" I whispered while he continued. He then started too kiss my neck and I gasped and ached at it "mmm~ Antonio" I moaned silently as he then proceeded too suck on my neck. I gasped when slowly he started too take his shirt and my own shirt off. That was when he took my first.

~~the next day~~

I woke up feeling a bit sick but ignored it was I went too take a nice hot bath she was going to boil. As she was waiting for her bath too heat she cleaned herself a bit with a bit of water and went back too the bath and get in. As she calmed down thanks too the water she then took a nice bath. Juliet went in the bath as well and took a bath with her. After a while they both went out fully dressed ready for work. The work they did was easy because last time hey did it was harder having too do a lot of muscle work now all we do is sell things. It was easy and it paid a lot. As me and Juliet were working, we see grandpa Rome again, he waved at us and smiled. I waved at him back along side with Juliet. "Juliet remember you are my brother and you are 18 ok?" I whisper too her. She nodded when they both see grandpa Rome walking towards them with Felicia. Felicia had a ring in her finger meaning she was married too someone, she could only marry too kiku since she told grandpa and he of course accepted. She blushed while looking at Juliet and me. For what I know is that they believe us too be very charming, or so I've heard, both female and male forms. Felicia was flirting with us a bit but we were already used too it as we talked normally too her. Grandpa Rome then talked to us about ourselves that we didn't know about and then we'd laugh a bit since he was reminding us of our past. He actually told a lot of people just too get a bit happier since he lost them. We both asked if he was around here since we haven't seen him around. He then said he was staying for a week before moving, which was 5 more days too go, hopefully they don't find out its us, that would be awkward. We didn't invite people in our house and lived far away since we didn't want no one knowing our secret about us. We had a few friends there and there and we'd invite them in female form. After engaging into the conversation they both left and we both left as well. It was turning out good, but then I felt my tummy hurting making me throw up near the trees while walking home. I ignored the incident until it became worse for me for the following days, I threw up everyday in the morning and I had these weird cravings I would ignore. My friends then commented me on it at work saying I had a funny mood swing, I would say it would pass and it would after I make it. Grandpa Rome actually came daily too come buy something while we were working with Felicia those few days, putting his place in case we wanted too talk too him, of course it was the old house so I nodded and smiled before leaving too their old place. Before they left, I made them fresh bread made from me and gave them it for their journey. When I went back too the house I again threw up of the hard work. Antonio and I are planing on going too the doctors today too get myself checked out. While getting ready I gave Juliet new books so she could read. She said thank you with a smile and then started too read. While I left I kept on rubbing my belly, I met Antonio there and we both walked inside. After a loooong while of waiting the doctor then found out what was the problem, it shocked both me and Antonio. "Lovina, congratulations, you are pregnant."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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