|drunk & hurting

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After hearing the words 'come in', cameron entered Ross's apartment with a twelve pack in hand, wearing a smile that quickly faded when he took in the sight of his friend. Ross sat on his couch in jeans and a white tank top, dog tags hanging out, hair disheveled, socked feet propped on the coffee table which had ten empty beer bottles all lined up in a neat row.

"Starting a bit early, aren't we?" He opened the cardboard container, pulled out a beer and handed it over to his waiting hand. He studied his appearance a bit closer then watched in mild amusement as Ross cracked the top, tipped the bottle to his lips, chugged half its contents before pulling back to wipe the dribble off his chin and burp loudly. "I'll take that as a yes." Walking into the kitchen, he pulled a beer out for himself and placed the rest in the fridge before returning to sit across from his drunken buddy.

"Soooo. What, or rather WHO has you drinking so hard?"

"You're single right, cameron?"

"As far as everyone knows."

"Good for you, man. Stay away from women, they're..." he waved a hand in the air. "Nothin' but trouble."

"She got a name?" He stifled the urge to call him out on who he knew it had to be and waited to see how much he'd open up on his own.

Ross paid no attention to anything Jace said and went on a drunken rant. "Been engaged twice. Twice.Fucking faithful to both of 'em. Gave those bitches everything they ever wanted and the minute I go to work, or the field or," he hiccupped. "War... they spread their legs for the next prick with a dick that comes along."

"Not every woman is like that, Shor. Two bad almost-marriages is enough to put a bad taste in anyone's mouth but there are plenty of women out there just like you."

"Well, if you meet any, send 'em my way." He knew Laura was probably the faithful type, but apparently she'd found out from someone he'd almost been married before and had the impression it was somehow his fault for it falling apart. Stupid bitch. Who needs her anyway with her stupid hair and cute nose and soft skin, perfect breasts and...

"Stick to dating soldiers. Nobody understands a soldier's life better than another soldier."

"Have anyone in mind?" He had someone in mind if she didn't hate him so much that, however unknowingly, had hurt him worse than either courtney or Carrie had.

"Matter of fact I think you already do." He pointed at Ross's chest.

"Say again?"

Again, Cameron pointed at his chest.

"Out with it." He watched Cameron get up and walk over to him.

He picked up both sets of dog tags Ross wore and held them in front of his face.

"God Damnit!" He snatched them back, completely irritated with himself for being so stupid for letting Laura's tags be seen on his person.

Calum knocked on Ross's door but didn't bother waiting for an answer before walking right in. "Hey men, wha..." he saw Ross scowling while Cameron stood there laughing his ass off. "What's going on here?"

Cameron addressed Ross in between breaths. "If you don't tell him I will."

"Tell me what?"

Ross didn't say a word, he just sat there, scowl deepening.

"Seems our good friend Ross is sporting Private Maranos' dog tags close to his heart and apparently had a lover's spat recently."

At this, Calum raised his eyebrows in surprise then smiled. "Did you kick it with marano?"

In The ArmyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora