Sirius Black x Metamorphmagus Reader

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Requested by: hannah270

You had three main faces, not that anyone who knew one face knew of the other two. You made sure of it, with a detailed record of which face you used with whom. They were all close enough in resemblance to see the same from afar, but the subtle changes were what mattered. Subtlety was the ultimate art form, and the most successful when you did it right. Which was unfortunately not very often.

Luckily, the subtlety that came with changing faces was the only subtle thing you were good at. And boy were you good at it. A smaller nostril here, a more arched eyebrow there, sunken eyes there. Enough that it could only be seen by the most attentive.

Sirius Black wasn't one of the most attentive people, so he became one of the only people who saw all three of your faces. He didn't know there were different faces, and you planned to keep it that way. In it's own odd way, the metamorphasis was a confidence booster. You felt that in that moment you fit perfectly. You were tall enough or your eyes were shaped right. No matter what, you fit inside the mesh of the universe like a custom mold. Walls fell beneath you as you fit their impossible doorways. Men and women alike didn't have a sharp enough eye to catch your deception, and only you could have the eyes of a hawk. At the snap of a finger, not even the limits of human senses could stop you.

Remus Lupin was probably one of the only people you knew who might be able to see your faces, if he was looking hard enough. He hardly did pay that much attention, especially to someone he was so loosely connected with as you, but you weren't taking any chances. No one knew your secret and it was gonna stay that way. For as long as possible.

Dumbledore seemed like a bumbling old man who often forgot things, but he never did forget how you had a slightly different nose every time you spoke. How your eyes changed their glimmer when you were mad. How you grew by just half an inch when you were intimidated. How you had perfected the art of manipulating people with body language.

You were likely the oddest of all, though no one seemed to mind. You were attentive enough to analyze a situation and decide your best face for that moment, and subtle enough to then change face without being noticed. You also weren't attentive enough to never notice the other Metamorphmagus, Nympadora Tonks, and obvious enough that everyone noticed when you had a new crush. Opposites, just like your faces. Smart enough to ace tests without studying, then turn around and walk into a wall. But there were always the walls that disappeared before you reached them and the tests that no matter how hard you tried you could not force the concept into your mind.

You came to Care for Magical Creatures with your first face, the closest to what you can remember your original face being. Kinder, softer cheekbones, almost baby-faced. Although the face you based it on was an old photo from elementary school. Your true face was long lost now, but you didn't mind. You only needed the faces you had now. They were you more than your original face every was.

The air was crisp and cold and it bit at your face. Freckles involuntarily sprouted against your cheeks, a reaction to the chill. You noticed a couple on your bare hands and did what you could to hide them. Forcing the freckles away was harder than covering them with a darker skin tone, a trick you had learned a long time ago. Many assumed you wore a skin toned blush on your cheeks, rather than the less obvious reason.

The book you held squirmed under your arm, it's furry being shaking with a fury. You stroked the spine lightly with your thumb. Enough to calm it, but not enough to open it. You waited until the moving body of students stopped to open your book. It glided open easily and you smiled, turning to a proper page and turning your attention back to the Professor.

No Hagrid today, instead a less sensible young man with a face that seemed to move like water under the wind. Even with his young eyes, his skin hung loosely but with no wrinkles. You frowned curiously, creating a simple mental image. It was a face you'd want to try out in the mirror in privacy later. It was likely not something you'd use in public, but it certainly made you laugh lightly. It'd be even funnier on your own face. Maybe because you were just naturally more beautiful or because you'd greatly exaggerate the features for the sake of the joke. Large bright eyes that sunk into your skull with long strips of skin hanging like drying meat off your rounded bones.

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