C.31~ This Is It

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"You look gorgeous, I looked like somebody dropped me in blue paint and forgot about me." I assured Rachel as we slipped out of my car and back toward the school. She was shaking her head, the graduation cap nearly falling from where it was set lopsided on her head.

"No. You look great. Oh, look! There's Xai!" She shoved me forward before I could even blink. I could faintly see Xavier making his way through the crowd of people around him, Lily playing with his graduation cap.

"There you are! My mom is going to try and be here, but my father said he's going to have to drive her. And your family isn't here yet." He gestured toward the laughing baby in his arms, "That's why she's still with me." Rachel was laughing behind me, reaching out to touch the blonde hair that had begun to spread out across Lily's head.

"She doesn't look to unhappy with that. She loves her daddy, doesn't she?" Lily started clapping at Rachel's words, starting to squirm in Xavier's arm. He gave Rachel a playful glare before closing the gap between us and kissing me. I heard Rachel clap before she disappeared to give us some privacy.

"I can't believe how old she's getting." I whimpered, touching Lily's cheek. I can't believe she's going to be one in a month or so. I still remember a little after this time last year, when we had found her on the porch. She had been so small, so tiny and fragile.

"I know." Xavier said quietly, "She's getting so big." He lifted her up a little, but to my surprise she was reaching out for me.

"She loves you," Xavier handed her over as he spoke, "You just worry too much." Lily started tugging on my graduation cap the minute she was in my arms.

"Yeah, yeah. God, look at this place." I gestured in front of us where the seniors littered the beautiful green grass beneath our feet, "I can't believe this is it." I could feel my eyes start to sting as I turned to face Xavier. He was shaking his head, moving his hands as if he didn't know what to do.

"Don't cry, Bea. This is a good thing. We made it!" He was so happy, that I could feel a smile making it's way across my face.

"You're right. I shouldn't be crying." I looked down at Lily for a second

before nodding at Xavier.

"We better go find our parents," I said with a laugh, "I don't think Principal Henry will be too happy with me giving a speech with a baby in my arms."


"Hey, there you are!" My head snapped up as Xavier jogged up my driveway, Rachel, Brice, and Mae in tow. I smiled, wrapping my arms tighter around Lily's stomach.

"Hi." I replied quietly. Xavier gave me a quick peck on the lips before plopping down beside me. I saw my brother shake his head in disgust and fought the urge to scold him.

"Why are you back here? I thought we were going out to celebrate." Rachel asked as she sat down on the step in below me. Brice joined her as Mae tried to squeeze her way between Xavier and me.

"I don't really want to go to a party." I said honestly, "I want to spend some time with Lily." Rachel nodded, but Xavier was the one that spoke up.

"Bea, what's going on with you?" He asked, turning my face so I was looking over Mae's head at him.

"I. . . I just don't want to let it all go. The memories, us, everything." I gestured around us, my nose starting to burn before my eyes started to cloud with tears.

"What do you mean, hun?" Rachel frowned up at me, "We're still going to be friends. I'll still wake you up in the middle of the night when I'm with Brice. Xavier is obviously going to stick around. We won't leave you, don't think we will." She patted my leg, taking Lily's small hand in hers with a grin.

The Birds And The Bees (The Baby Project #1) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now