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I drove up into my driveway, and immediately I knew the guys were here because of the lights on downstairs and the expensive cars were parked along the the entrance.

I walked into the mansion and as expected they all rushed up to me.

"What happened we tried locating you but it was impossible." Namjoon said as he held me by the shoulders making sure I wasn't hurt.

"Those fuckers tried pulling a move on meㅡ" I pushed him aside to get to the kitchen sink washing my hands and face to cool down.

"Who was it?" asked Jimin standing up visibly angry and drunk.

"I don't know they didn't say anything they just tried to take me and this girl I was withㅡ" I mumbled falling down on the couch.

"The girl? Do you even know her? What if it was planned!" said Namjoon as he crossed his arms and frowned. I shouldn't have said shit knowing how fucking paranoid he gets.

"She wasn't. She actually saved me if it wasn't for her I would probably be dead now." I said signaling up at them to sit. They followed suit and sat down with intrigued expressions.

"Who is she?" asked Jin handing me a glass of water and a couple of pills.

"Ellen, Park? I don't remember, she was at the club with some friends, I assume, and I invited her for dinner" I began to explain slowly as I rubbed my temples.
"I can bet those fuckers will be after her now, Namjoon... Hoseok look her up pull up any information you have on her."

I waved them out as they nodded and stood up. "You got it boss" they both said as they walked out.

"Jungkook and Tae wait for them to gather any information keep me posted on her status, just keep an eye on her ㅡ Jimin find out who those bastards are" I ordered as I watched them file out.

Now it was only Seokjin and I sitting on the leather couch.

"So what will you do when we find out who they are?" he asked leaning his head back.

"Well we go fuck them up" I said standing up "I need a shower and sleep, you need to rest too go home we'll meet back here in the morning"

Next Day


I woke up around noon to my dad yelling at who I assumed were his "employees".
Ignoring the chaos like usual I jumped in the shower and got dressed before going downstairs to find my parents sitting at the dining table eating lunch.

"Hey... honey sit down I assume you're hungry since you slept through breakfast?" my mom said.

Throughout lunch, mom and I made small talk softly with occasional cussing from my father as he looked at his phone after every notification.

"What's wrong honey?" my mom finally asked him placing her hand gently on the table in front of him.

"Some trouble with the others, they're fucking up my plans" he said briefly as he stood up.
"Is it bad people?" I asked worriedly assuming he was in danger.

"Ellenㅡ" he looked in my direction with a stern expression "anyone that doesn't work with me are enemies; bad people."
With that he began to stride aggressively out of the dining room when his phone ringing stopped him.

It was always like this with my father although he never abused us physically, he didn't care about us.
He would never pay attention to usㅡ his only priority was money no matter how he got it.

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