b. three

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When Sawyer was forced to leave the house, since Remus was anxious about her staying there while it was full moon, despite the wolfsbane potion, she had to go to The Burrow; The Weasley family's house.

  It looked as though it had once been a large stone pigpen, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked as though it were held up by magic - which they probably were. Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read, THE BURROW . Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron. Several fat brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard.  

Sighing, the girl heard the Knight Bus driving off, and Meeko rubbed his head against her leg, cheering her silently; the girl didn't enjoy sleeping at practically strangers' houses.

Sawyer decided it was no good to keep lurking around, and she needs to decide whether to walk up to the house, or get away.

Meeko was the one to make the decision, as he walked ahead of her, making her roll her eyes before following.

This cat had quite an attitude.

"SAWYER! YOU'RE HERE!" a voice howled happily from up a window, making her look up. One of the twins was waving at her from the window, and she gave a flat smile, waving.

The door to the house opened, and a short, plump woman with fiery red hair watched as Sawyer walked closer, her backpack swinging with her steps.

"Sawyer!" she called, smiling. "Come on in! Sorry the house is in a mess-- we're going to Egypt in three days! I hope you don't mind."

"Of course  not," Sawyer said easily, "I am thankful for the fact you're going through the trouble having me and Meeko here for the next few days-- it's more than kind, Mrs. Weasley."

"Oh, dear! Call me Molly, Remus is your uncle, right?"

"Right," she lied flatly, watching the picture of her father in the paper, a WANTED written in black right under it. He was screaming, and she quickly turned away, blinking away the beginning of a vision.

"What a sweet cat!" Mrs. Weasley called in glee as Meeko rubbed his head against her legs, purring happily.

"The sweetest, aren't you, Meeko?" Sawyer teased the evil cat, who meowed in spite of her, looking proud of himself for being called sweet. His happiest moments were when her was being complimented- Self centered cat, that one was.

"Come on, now! I'll introduce you to everyone right away," and Sawyer, expecting to follow the woman up the stairs, was surprised as she bellowed loudly, calling over all of the boys in the house. Slowly, a red head after red head trickled downstairs, all chatting casually.

"Hi Sawyer!" Ron called as he reached the last stair, spotting her. "When mum said there's someone staying over for a few days, I never expected you!"

"Hi Ronald," she greeted him, making him frown. Next, a moment later, Ginny arrived, glomping the girl in a big hug.

"Sawyer! How are you?" she wondered, stepping back. "Again, I am so─"

"S'okay, you never need to apologize to me, I'm always cool."

"Oh," Ginny frowned, not sure what to reply.

"Sup Sawyer?" one of the twins greeted as the other waved.

"Hi Fred, George, which one of you waved from the window?"

"That would be me," they both replied, before the three laughed. Sawyer liked the humor of the twins;  they were quite a duo.

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