Moving In

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Okay, so here I was being strangled by a half naked girl in New York while three hot, hot, hot guys got my luggage. I tried to wrestle her off of me but she was strong for a thin, tall slutty girl. I screamed loudly for the guys, but this just seemed to incense her. She scratched at my face, clawing wildly with her long red painted nails.

I had never really thought about my death, but this was not how I wanted to go. I had always imagined something romantic, like dying in my lovers arms or maybe dying for my one true love. Or just living till I was a hundred and pointing a little kids, cackling meanly and squeezing my grandkids's cheeks. I would be sewing and knitting happily while my cat or lapdog snored beside me.

Instead... This seemed to be my end.

"HELP ME!!" I shrieked, as the crazy thing girl tried to pull out chunks of my hair.

"Oh no..." I heard from the doorway and then, kicking and screaming, the girl was firmly lifted off of me by Zac.

"YOU CHEATER!!" she said, her eyes going really wide and suddenly she was trying to claw out his eyeballs.

I scrambled to my feet, snatching a sock from off the floor and stuffing it into her mouth, because honestly, I couldn't bear her insistent shrieks. What was her problem, seriously?! She had definately woken the neighbors, and could possibly have alarmed like aliens. Okay well, maybe the aliens thing was pretty slim but there had been water found on mars. Creepy, okay, creepy.

"She's moving in with us, babe, nothing more," Zac said hushingly, flashing her his swoon-worthy smile.

Slowly he pulled the sock out her mouth. I blew a raspberry at the girl behind his back. Okay, maybe not my most mature moment but that girl had tried to kill me! She just ignored me; apparently Zac could just completely calm her down with a look.

"Why?" she said, going docile in his strong arms, blinking meekly.

"She needed a place, and here we are. She knows Cam, you know?" he said in a low soft, comforting voice.

She nodded blankly, her long brown hair falling in her face. Then she kissed him softly, stroking his cheek with her clawed hands, as if she hadn't basically tried to murder me. Angrily, I huffed up and straightened my crumpled shirt. Then I moved to the other side of the room where the kitchen was and opened the fridge.

There were a dozen eggs, bacon and some energy drinks in the fridge. Nothing else. Where was the juice, the jam and the cheese? There was a half eaten loaf of bread on the counter, probaly stale after the whole night of sitting there. The coffee maker was broken, and in the microwave was a still closed cup o'ramen soup. How did they survive, I thought? I grabbed a tea towel and ran it under some cold water before pressing it to my forehead.

My head was aching and bruised, and I felt terrible. I missed my family and I missed my bedroom, especially my warm soft bed, which hugged me through all the heartbreak and tears and happiness. I found tears prickling behind my eyes and I bit my lower lip, chewing it once again.

"Your going to break the skin," a cool voice said.

Ace stood behind me, holding a box filled with CDs and books. I nodded and took the box from him, allowing him to guide me through the right corridor, and following him through an open door which was pouring in sunlight.

It was averge sized, with a iron bedstand and soft white mattress. There was a bookcase which looked rather shabby but sturdy. The floor was light wood and the walls were painted a creamy color, a little yellow. On the wall hung a painting of a castle. It was a pretty good picture, I had to admit it, even though my knowledge of paintings started and ended with the Mona Lisa.

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