Chapter Twelve

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"YESSSSSSSS" Fara screamed excitedly as they had successfully passed the checkpoint terminal and were right behind Chie's car. Penny winced and said, "Easy on the volume dude" but he just kept smiling, nothing could deter this boy, not after being so close.. physically.

Meanwhile Liz bit onto her nails and had almost chewed her fingers out as Chie gripped onto the steering wheel for dear life as they both kept glancing back at Fluid - to make sure she was alright and that's when Liz spotted the menacing glare her brother was giving her.

"Bloody Manicured pink nail!!!" Liz cursed and Chie looked at her amused at her choice of curse words, "Rather colorful vocabulary don't you think?"

"No shit sherlock" Liz replied irritated and quite scared to say the least, Doctor Trams lay asleep completely oblivious to the tension in the air as Chie pressed hard on the accelerator and sped off leaving dust behind her. 

"Eat my dust Fara oh and stay FAR away Fara " she snickered at that pun as her engine roared and zipped past the traffic of the buzzing town. 

"Penny please faster pleasseeeeeeee" he said desperately and looked at her with puppy eyes as she smirked and hit her foot hard on the accelerator glad that she'd somewhat instilled manners and politeness in this strange boy. 

"Finally a gentleman" she sighed, "I knew you had it in you" she said as they were thrown back with the speed at which she was racing. 

Fara and Penny caught up to Chie and stopped in front of her car which made her jerk the car with the sudden, quite forceful, breaks. Chie was sweating up a storm and that was nowhere near to how much Liz was freaking out as her life was literally on the line. Fara opened up his door and gracefully walked out and strode over to their car. Chie gave up as she knew there was no escaping this. 

She couldn't outrun them and by one quick glance at her petrol all her hopes crashed down as the needle pointed at zero. She looked at Liz with a frown on her face and tears leaking from the corner of her eyes as she hugged her best friend since college. 

"Liz.." she said between sobs, "You have been the bestest friend I could ever ask for and all the fun times we had in our dorm, the food and drinks we sneaked in and all the pranks we played our the best memories of my life. Infact every memory spent beside you is the best as you come with a luggage full of adventure and just know that I love you and I'll really miss you!!!!!" Liz was crying loudly too and wailing on Chie's shirt as her nose was runny and all in all she looked the farthest from attractive crying. 

Liz understood was was supposed to happen and she knew it was inevitable so she opened her car just when Fara had almost reached them and her jaw dropped in slight amusement as she saw that he banged into the door face first and was now holding a bloodied up nose. 

Suffice to say, that brought her into a fit of giggles and Chie laughed too. 

"Graceful, sure" Penny said making Liz and Chie look her way as the sarcastic teen made her way over, "Penny stone" she said with a smile. 

Liz shook it before smirking, " Liz, Pleasure to meet you" she said before looking at Chie, "Chie look.. how wonderful my little brother has found himself a girl friend aww"

At that the two teens turned bright red, on blushed while the other raged before the furious one took his hand away from his nose and glared threateningly at Liz.

"Walking on thin ice Liz..." he said before unleashing the knife hidden under his sleeve and throwing it her way.

Oh and just so you know... he had very good aim.

Doctor Trams was awoken by a howl of pain and an agonized scream as he jerked awake and looked around alert. Fluid woke up from his sudden movements but was still quite pale and tired.

"Stay here I'll be back" Doctor said as he got out of the car to join the party only to realise it was too late as his eyes widened and stared in horror at the scene that unfolded in front of him.


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