6 || She's Beautiful

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I can't stand alarm clocks. They disturb my random, yet somewhat comforting, dreams. So, as the shrill beeping tears through my imagination, I want nothing more than to grab the device and throw it out the window. Even so, my hand instinctively goes right to the snooze button, and I'm snapped right back into reality.

Slowly, my eyes open up to the somewhat fuzzy world. The real world. A world I've always wanted to escape. The good news was, I could remember exactly what I dreamt of. I always hated when all I could remember was falling asleep, then waking up. I love to keep my dreams fresh in my mind. I actually used to write them down, but I soon lost the point. Anyways, unexpectedly, (but completely welcome), my dreams wandered over to Lilliana last night. That is the perfect example of the type of dreams I clung to. The dreams my alarm clock ruins every time.

I sigh reluctantly and pull myself up, rubbing at my tired eyes. I can't wait to actually see Lilliana again today. It seems kinda cliche, I know, but I just can't wait. Somehow, she made the real world a much more desirable place to be.

My feet hit the wooden floor as I shuffle over to the cold bathroom. Everything about waking up sucks, and the cold was the worst part. I hurry and brush my teeth, wash my face, rumple my thick shaggy hair and walk back to my room. I stop at the doorframe when I see the bed parralel to mine was empty. Why did my doormate leave early? Why would my best guy friend exit without telling me?

With heart stopping alarm, I realize as I look at the time that my clock went off late. I cuss aloud and rush into the kitchen, where I throw on a pair of shoes and grab a granola bar. Then I hurry and grab my coat, run outside, and sprint to the school, my hurried breakfast in my mouth the whole way.

Normally, I'd get in huge trouble for not wearing a uniform. But good ol' dad will understand, right?


Really, it sure is a good thing that we demons have lightning fast speed, because when I get there, I see that there's five minutes before class actually starts. I stride down the locker hall until I see that fine butt I knew so well. It was Lilliana. It wasn't until I was right next to her that I realize my attire. Aw, man! Girls hate when guys embarrass them like this!

Okay, I admit that I've embarrassed Lilliana a lot lately.

"Nice outfit," she snorts, putting her black backpack into her locker. I try to seem cool and smirk at her in that way I've been doing. She seems annoyed by it, so we're good there. Acting casual is the perfect way to keep girls from getting suspicious, especially when you've dreamt of them.

Of course, I've never dreamt of another girl before Lilliana.

"I sorta lost track of time," I grin goofily. Lilliana's mouth twitches at the corners; the beginnings of a smile. I want her to smile as much as she can, because she seems to really need that sort of relief. Also, I bet she looks prettier with a smile instead of a scowl.

Not that she isn't completely hot with that angry look.

"You've missed, like, the whole first period," she states, eyebrows raised high. I can tell that she's holding back a laugh, and I can't help but long to hear it. I must continue this silly act!

I hold my hand up to my forehead in mock concern, swooning goofily and trying to look as completely idiotic as possible. "Oh, oh how foolish of me!" I sigh breathily. "Oh, how could something so silly as time defeat me? What sort of demon am I, for I could not escape the folds of the universe! Shame on me. I am a disgrace against demons everywhere!"

Lilliana shakes her head, and, actually smiles. It was the most beautiful thing I've seen, and, when she laughs in this small and awkward way... it matched her smile's amazingness perfectly. A perfect smile. A perfect laugh. A perfect girl.

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