Love Long Distance

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Jay's POV

It's funny you know, How often you spend your life trying to find a person that you feel Is right for you. Yet we never stop to think about whether we are right for someone else. Are we then considered to be selfish because we are perfect for someone else and we don't do anything about it. Or are we ignorant in thinking that we can only find someone that makes us happy and not worry about how someone else thinks or feels? I don't know If I want to associate anything with myself anymore since you left. It's been months and I haven't seen or spoken to you. You even blocked me after the fight we had. It wasn't even that bad. I told you how badly I loved you. And now I'm getting messages from people.Telling me how much I mean to them. And about how worried they are for me. But there is this one guy. This one guy who doesn't want to talk about the past or the future. He just wants to talk about me.

????: "How are you today?"

Jay: "Same as every other day."

????: "Naw I'm sure it's not all that bad. Your a great guy and your young. Live life and go do what Australian people do."

Jay: "If Australian people get on planes and fly over seas then I guess I'm doing myself a favour."

????: "Oh your flying? Where are you off to? Not going to lie I wish you were coming to me haha :)"

Jay: "Your sweet man.I'm heading over to you actually. I want to meet you. In person."

????: "Wooflan are going to be PISSED! But I love it."

Jay: "I don't care about them. I only care about meeting you properly."

????: "Are you sure?I'm nothing special."

Jay: "Look Mate. You have kept my mind off some major topics. And without even realising have done so much for me."

????: "I'm just helping this cute guy out. He's not too bad. Has a bit of a bite to him but I guess that's what Australian boys are like."

Jay: "You have helped me. A lot. And I want to meet you."

What if instead of looking at what we want. We let go and started to think about what we need? What we need to feel whole and complete. It's an interesting Idea yet it seems as though most people don't think like that. I wonder why that is?

????: "Well how long until you get on the plane? And how long are you staying for?"

Jay: "Honestly. It depends on you man."

????: "What do you mean?"

Jay: "I mean. How long I stay. And when I come over. It depends on how long you think you could last without kicking me out."

????: "Well I'm supposed to have Rob and Lachlan coming over for a few nights in a couple of weeks. It depends on whether you want to be around him after what went down."

Jay: "It's funny. I think this is the first time we have spoken about him and what happened."

????: "Well who likes to dwell on the past. Yeah you guys had an argument but I don't think that you should let yourself become down because of one moment. Life goes on babe. Gotta keep your head up."

Jay: "Did you just call me babe?"

????: "Uh. Um. Fuck.Well at least you can't see my face."

Jay: "Are you blushing beautiful?"

????: "Shut up. How old are you?"

Jay: "21? Why?"

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