Cнapтer 13

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(Ana's POV)

September 21, 2015  

"Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on." -Unknown


As I lay on my bed, guilt washed over me, followed by hot tears and a pounding headache. I groaned and whimpered as I pulled myself up to a sitting position, wincing when I caught my reflection in my door mirror. I honestly look like I've just had my heart torn out and hungover. A sigh escaped my dry lips and I stumbled out of bed into the bathroom. A long-long- LONG shower later, I found myself sitting in my closet, letting the sorrow consume me and the tears pour down my face in a rush.

Looking around as I hiccuped, I saw a picture of Thomas, Ethan and I. I wiped my eyes and stumbled forward towards it. My robe hung loosely on my frame and I tried to stand up, but tripped over my own feet and landed on the floor. I reached out to grab a grip, and brushed my fingers against a strange box. Pulling on it, I gasped as I recognized it. It was Kaylie's box!

Kaylie was the model who died from her stalker, my original best friend, and the only person who knew all of my secrets from the start. I knew everything about her, like I knew that she got pregnant two months before she died, and that the father didn't take it well. The police found the dead fetus cut out and placed beside her body. I shuddered and removed the lid. I was greeted by smiling pictures of Kaylie and I, as well as the smell of her perfume, which assaulted my nose, making me sneeze.

I pulled out the picture of the day I became Top Model. It was one of the best days of my life, but I had thought that Kaylie would hate me, after all, I did take her spot, but she simply laughed and pulled me to the clubs. The memories collided and I couldn't help but smile sadly, as I remembered all of our good times together.

Pain resumed its course of attacking me as new guilt began eating me up inside. It was all my fault that she died, no matter how many people tell me it wasn't. I will ALWAYS feel it was my fault she died. I should have answered the phone when she called me thirty minutes before she died. I should have gone with her to her house when she went to get changed. I should have believed her when she said she was being stalked and threatened, but I didn't, and now she is dead. Pounding on my bedroom door brought me out of my revere.

"Yes?" I asked, wincing as my voice cracked.

"Ana, I want you downstairs in twenty. We have a LOT of things to talk about, including your schedule and JOSH." Julie demanded as her footsteps receded.

A whisper was all I could muster as I replied with a quick okay, and stood up. I didn't feel like doing anything today, but it is my first movie filming and after the secret coming out the way it did, i'll do anything if my family will forgive me again. Denim shorts and a dark red shirt completed my outfit with black vans and big rimmed sunglasses as I walked down stairs towards my death. Julie had spread out the contents of her briefcase upon the table and I looked at it distastefully before hiding it with a smile.

"What's the schedule for today?" I asked, sitting down.

Julie stood abruptly and handed me a paper. "At 10:00 I want you jogging down at the Jameson's Park and only healthy foods today. 12:00 we are meeting with Carolyn and Kassandra, the writer of the book; Scarlett, who will help you with any questions about the scene for today. 4:00 we will begin filming and it will end at 7:00. Afterwards you are meeting everyone at La Tiffe, in downtown Riverdale. Understood?"

All I could do was nod and try not to wince. Julie placed a bowl filled with fruit in front of me and crossed her arms. Great! This was my breakfast! I ate it and took a quick glance at the clock. 9:17. It would take 30 minutes to drive down to Jameson's Park.... I have a little bit longer to spend doing absolutely nothing! That's when Ethan came down, ruining my plans. I can't be near him at the moment. When angry, he's explosive and will cause a verbal bloodbath. I sprinted upstairs and grabbed my duffel bag containing my workout clothes and shoes. I darted downstairs and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

The Fake Nerd | Book One of the Fake SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now