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    "We could've raised her! I could've raised her! You didn't even give me a chance!" he screamed.

    My throat was raw from sobs. "I did! I did, Vincenzo! A million chances, all ending with my heart in pieces! And not just emotional abuse, physical abuse too! I care about Thea! And to give her the life she deserved I had to! This pack, this life. It rips people apart! It ripped me apart, it ripped you apart, and it would rip her apart!"

     He laughed through the tears running down his face. "And what about when she shifts? When she finds her mate and doesn't know why the fuck she feels so much for him. Why her body screams for his." He cupped my face in his hands. "Like your's screams for mine." he snarled. I cried out as he dropped my face and shifted. His clothes laid in tatters on the floor. With barely contained rage he crashed through the window. I could hear his body slam onto the grass, howling along as he bounded into the forest.


    My breathing was labored. I was burning, alone in this room. I could barely breathe, gasping and choking on poisonous air that didn't exist. I shifted out of the bed, pushing my weak body to the window. I whimpered, a fire ripped through the forest. A howl rang out through the area, thrumming in my ears. I snarled, recognizing the voice of my mate. His howl this time was urgent, practically begging to be helped. This male just attracted trouble.

    Against my better judgement I tore out the pack house. I groaned as my bones cracked, not used to the shifting so soon after my labor. I stumbled back in shock as I saw the blazing forest. Dozens of Vincenzo's wolves had come out to investigate their alpha's howls. I winced as my wolf took control, diving into the burning forest. My wolf howled in pain as she dodged a branch, another one catching her back and singeing through her fur. 

    My wolf followed the scent of her mate, even as the scent of fire burned her sensitive nostrils. She finally came across him, laying on the ground. I wrestled control back, hissing. Fire had caught onto his fur, probably from the burning branch next to him. I bit into his neck lightly, urging him up. His eyes glowed gold in the fire, dancing with pain. I nudged him up, howling when a blazing branch hit my muzzle. Vincenzo seemed to question something, before his eyes clouded into the black of his wolf, Noaz. Noaz picked me up, racing through the forest. I saw him let out a bark each time the fire greedily ate at his skin. 

     I urged the fire from our path, but it only blazed brighter. I felt resistance, unable to bend the fire to my will. It's like how I felt with Cassius, powerless. Vincenzo broke out of the forest, dropping to his stomach. His fur was singed in some places. His dark eyes faded back to gold. I shifted quickly, ignoring the shouts of his pack. Vincenzo shifted back as well. 

    His body was crisscrossed with burns, red and angry. A particular one snaked from his lower back to his chest, stopping right before his heart. His breathtaking eyes fluttered shut, a pain-induced whisper breathed from his mouth. "Thea." he murmured. 


    I felt a pack member pull me away from Vincenzo, dragging us both to the pack hospital. I snarled when one tried to put me in a different room. They finally placed us in beds next to each other. The same doctor who had helped me through the labor tended to our wounds. He didn't make eye contact, eyes darting away if I tried to catch his eyes. I frowned, watching a balled up paper fall from his clenched fist. I hissed as my wounds strained from me stretching to get it. An unsteady growl flew from my throat at the charred remains of the note. It was covered in a male's scent, messy, scrawled handwriting strewn across it. 

   She's mine. 

    The note read.

A/n: School is hectic, life is hectic, everything is hectic. The usual excuse for not updating basically. And this short update s less than  what you guys deserve after giving me 200KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK HELLO

And this is fucking selfish of me, but please, please, please VOTE! We bumped down to the 100s in Werewolf, even though we got so many new members to the fam (hi). PLEASE VOTE so even more people can notice the book and get us maybe to top 10? PWETTY PLEASE???

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