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"Heey!" Natalie said happily as I opened the door to her car.

"Morning!" I replied with a smile. 

"Have you been to this mall?" She asked as she pulled out of my drive way. I shook my head no, and she smiled.

"Ahh! Its the best fucking mall ever," she said happily. "There's so many good stores and its so easy to shop lift from."

My heart started to beat faster, because I knew I couldn't do that. Not that I would feel guilty, I'm probably just really shitty at it.

"I think I'll leave that to you," I laughed. "I'd probably get caught."

"Yeah if I shoplift in more than one store I'm really risking it," Natalie replied. "But, if your boyfriend was here, we could take the whole mall."

She finished with a laugh, and my head perked up from my phone to the mention of Ashton. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Have you seen him shoplift? It's incredible! I would be proud if Cal could do that." She replied. I tried no to blush. I know shoplifting isn't really a talent, but hey, just thinking of Ashton makes me blush.

We kept driving in silence for a little bit, and then I remembered how I wondered how long Natalie and Calum have been together. So, I decided to take the conversation towards them.

"How long have you and Calum been together?" I asked. By now we were getting pretty close to the mall, and I was growing excited to spend that 100 dollars my mother had given me.

"Since the beginning of Freshman year." She replied with a slight smile. 

"Really?" I asked, somewhat shocked as to how long that actually is. Just then, as Natalie was about to pull into a parking spot outside the mall, some asshole swooped in and took it.

"Oh, fuck you!" I said before Natalie could answer my previous question. I covered my mouth at my curse words but Natalie just cracked up. 


Once Natalie finally found another parking spot, we got out of the car and I slimmed down the dress I was wearing. 

"Thats adorable!" Natalie complimented as we walked into the mall. It was a big and quite fancy mall, and I could already see all my favorite stores. 

"Thanks!" I replied. I looked at what Natalie was wearing. Denim shorts and a crop top. It looked really nice on her, I liked it. 

"Oooh! We need to go to Sephora I'm almost out of my shit." Natalie said, looking around until her eyes came onto the Sephora a couple stores down from the food court. I nodded, not really interested in makeup, but thats just me.

We walked into the store, and I was taken back by the smell of perfume and various cosmetics. I followed Natalie as I looked at all the racks and shelves full of so many makeup items I had no idea existed. We walked to the face makeup part of the store, and Natalie scoped through the shelves of brushes and pallettes. I just stood and watched.

"Where the fuck is my shade?" Natalie said under her breath. Finally, her face lit up and she took a thing of powder off the shelf. She opened it, and held it next to her face.

"Does this look okay?" She asked.

"Yes, Perfect." I nodded. Natalie silently cheered and flipped the container over. Her smile instantly faded and she groaned.

"How much?" I asked.

"Like, 20. I still need money for forever 21!" She replied frustratedly. I giggled and took the container into my hands. "I'll pay for it." I said.

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