Two |»| Cool Tattoos

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Hours past in the day Josh had a few classes with the silent boy from the bus but not yet has he tried speaking to him. Finally lunch the cafeteria looked like the scene from mean girls, everyone sat with their groups and since today was Friday which meant pizza day so there was a long line for food good thing Josh wasn't hungry.

He looked around a spotted the silent boy sitting at a back table with two other people he decided that he should try sitting with them. Josh slowly approached them the small boy was writing stuff in a note book and the other two were just chatting, "uh hi could I sit with you guys ?" He asked half smiling the boy with a rather large forehead smiled and looked at Josh "sure new meat " he chuckled Josh just sat down next to Tyler who scouted over away from him "I'm Josh" he smiled "I'm Brendon " forehead said smiling "I'm Pete " the other guy said "and this is Tyler " the small boy herd his name and looked up and waved "he's Mute " Josh nodded he didn't know what to say should he be sorry? Or should he just go with it?

Tyler smiled, it was the nice guy from the bus. He flipped to a new page in his note book  "hi nice to meet you" he wrote on the paper "it's nice to meet you too " Josh smiled staying close to the boy so he could see what he writes "your tattoo is cool" he admired the colourful work of art displayed on the bigger boys arm "thanks, do you have any" Tyler nodded he rolled up his sleeve revealing several black tattoos he then rolled his sleeve back down and picked up his pen again " I have more on my chest, they all have special meaning only I know" Tyler smiled cutely.

Before they new it the had bell rang, they went through three more classes and then the final bell went off Josh went to his locker which was coincidentally next to Tyler. He saw the small boy walking down the hall head down, hood up but soon he didn't see the boy he looked and saw he was slammed against a locker. Josh ran fast to the boy "the hell dude let him go he didn't do anything" Josh said pulling on the guys shoulders "I know he did nothing but he's just fun to punch because he doesn't whine about it " the guy chuckled then looked Josh up and down still holding the small boy "take another swing I dear you " Josh growled the other male just smirked punching Tyler square in the jawbone. That was it Josh slammed this guy into the lockers "just cause he's mute doesn't give you a fucking right to even lay a damn finger on him" Josh's voice has grown deeper and angrier he Josh pushed the guy onto the floor people just watching in shock which Josh didn't under stand he looked at bleeding Tyler and picked him up bridle styler with out saying anything he just locked his locker and left the school beginning to walk back home.

"are you okay " he asked Tyler had a swollen eye And bloody nose he shrugged and rested his head on the older boys shoulder "do you want me to take you home" Tyler nodded again "where do you live ?" Josh wasn't sure how Ty would answer him. Tyler new Josh lived a few houses down from him, he pointed at Josh who gave him a puzzled look "me? What about me?" He looked down at the small make "you live by me ?" Tyler smiled and nodded happily. Josh just held the boy tight and walked till he got to their street after Josh got to Tyler's house he put him down on the door step he then gave Tyler his phone "number ?" He asked awkwardly running his hand through his red Mohawk. Tyler let out a very flat and silent giggle it was scratchy, he took the curly haired boys phone he typed in his number giving it back to Josh and waved cutely "see ya bud" Josh said walking home. Well that was a different first day.....

AN: And second chapter of my worthless book yay me

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