Here > Manuel Neuer

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"Where do you think you're going?"

Carol stood by the door, her arms crossed over her chest. She watched as her boyfriend stuffed the last of his belongings into his bag. He was about to answer her when he let out a monstrous sneeze.

Manuel rubbed his nose, sniffling loudly. "To the event at the main store," he mumbled, his eyes still glued on his bag. Carol creased her forehead, going over to stand over him. "But you're sick!"

"I'm fine," he breathed, finally zipping up his bag. As he turned to leave, Carol pressed her hands to his chest, "no you're not."

"I'm okay Carol, let me go," he said weakly. Carol furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head as she gently pushed him to take a seat. "You are most definitely not okay," she remarked.

A small sigh escaped his lips. He waited for her to head for the kitchen before pushing himself off the couch. "I'm going," he announced, prompting Carol to come scurrying out and blocking the doorway.

"Manuel Peter Neuer, you are not going anywhere," she stood rooted to the ground, her hands on her hips. Manuel stared at her, frowning hard, "Carol, you can't stop me from doing my job."

Carol pursed her lips together, "I can if you are unwell." Again, Manuel found himself sighing. "I told you, I'm -" he paused as he released another massive sneeze, "fine," he exhaled.

"How is that fine?" She demanded, starting to feel extremely agitated. "Hey, I know myself okay, you don't have to tell me," he snapped, his voice feeble yet livid. Carol's mouth fell agape as she stared at him.

"I'm just looking out for you, Manuel!" She lashed out. Manuel shook his head slowly, walking toward her, "you don't... you need -" before he could finish his sentence, his eyelids drooped shut and he collapsed onto the ground.

Carol jerked up when she noticed Manuel's eyelids fluttering open. "Manu, you're okay," she uttered, enveloping him into a bear hug. "What happened?" He asked innocently.

She reached out to stroke his cheek, "you fainted from probably exhaustion. Thankfully you didn't leave." Manuel gazed at her, sighing, "I'm sorry, Carol, I didn't mean to get mad like that," he began, taking her hand into his.

"It's okay, Manu. I understand how important it is to you," she shot him a small, apologetic smile. He nodded, looking down as he fiddled with her hand.

"They said little boys were going to be there; boys who look up to me and believed in me, and probably waited forever just to see me," he sighed, "and I just wanted to be there for them."

The young woman smiled knowingly, "I know. Xabi told me." She watched as Manuel shifted so she could sit down beside him. Carol squeezed into the vacant spot, despite knowing full well that sitting so close to a sick person was questionable.

But she didn't care. She hugged his arm tightly, resting her head on his shoulder, "you know that's why I love you. You're always so selfless; always putting others before yourself."

Manuel chuckled before planting a long kiss on the top of her head. "It's probably because I have such a kind and loving woman by my side," he smiled. Carol could feel the heat rising to her cheeks as she smiled stupidly to herself.

"I'm just glad at least Xabi's there," he heaved a sigh of relief. "He said he'll be fine," Carol said as she released her grip on his arm. She spun around to fish out something from his bag, "and he also sent you this."

She took out his phone, and unlocked it before showing it to him. It was a video that Xabi had sent to him, and Carol motioned for him to press the play button.

"Hey Manu!" Xabi greeted, waving at the camera along with a bunch of young boys behind him, "we heard you were sick."

A wide smile formed across his face as he watched the video. "We just wanted to say get well soon and we hope to see you very soon," Xabi spoke loudly so his voice could be heard above the din.

"We love you, Manu!" He declared, which was followed by the loud cheers of the young boys. "We're thinking of you, and we'll see you soon!"

With that, the video ended, leaving a wide beam lingering on Manuel's lips. Carol smiled too, seeing her boyfriend happy despite being so ill. "Now you rest okay? I'll be in the kitchen," she said getting up.

But before she could leave, Manuel gently grabbed her hand. "Thank you," he muttered, flashing her a small smile. "For what?" She asked curiously.

"For just, being here," he said, prompting another smile to find its way onto her lips. Of course she was there; she would always be there for him anyway. Always.

YAY as requested by carolG14! Hope you liked it :) Thank you so much for reading!

Requests are closed for now, so I won't be posting any more stories at the moment. But if requests re-open I will definitely let y'all know :)

In the meantime, I'll be working on my other stories, which you are always welcomed to check out! Thank you so much and see you soon! ❤☺

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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