For You > Jetro Willems

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The light to the emergency room flickered on, and Carmen was instantly on her feet. "Doctor Carmen, you're the only one available to conduct emergency surgery right now," her assistant, Henley, spoke quickly as Carmen began gathering her items.

"That's fine," Carmen nodded. "Patient overview please," she said, as they rushed down to the operation theater. "Patient is male, unconscious, and we suspect a broken rib," Henley briefed hurriedly.

Carmen nodded as they entered the operation theater. The patient was already on the table, lying motionless as her assistants got him into position. But as Carmen stepped into the clean room, a sudden wave of familiarity washed over her.

She eyed the patient as she slipped on her gloves. That body, she thought, why does it look so familiar. "Carmen?" Henley touched her shoulder, prompting Carmen to turn and face her.

"What's his name?" She found herself asking. Henley frowned, before hastily checking her file. "Willems," she finally said, "Jetro Willems."

At the sound of that name, Carmen quite literally froze in her spot.

Carmen carefully pushed open the door to Jetro's room, where he was absorbed in the novel in his hands. She tiptoed over to where he was, wrapping her arms over him, "hey!" She sang, planting a kiss on his cheek.

Jetro smiled, "you're back." Carmen nodded, seating herself on his bed. "How was it?" Jetro asked as he put the book away. He was referring to her exam; just one of the countless that she had to do.

"It was honestly tough as heck," she confessed, letting out a disappointed groan before dropping herself onto the bed. She stared at the ceiling suddenly wondering why she had ever decided to go to Med School.

Jetro chuckled, jumping onto the bed beside her. Carmen sighed as she twisted herself so she was facing him "Why did I choose this life?" She asked sarcastically, earning another chuckle from her boyfriend.

"Well, you told me you wanted to help people, and make a difference in this world," he reminded her, resting his head on his hand and looking into her eyes.

"The only difference I'm making right now is by depleting my brain cells," she quipped. A small smile formed across Jetro's lips. He reached out to rub her shoulder, "think about all the lives you'll be saving one day."

Carmen exhaled slowly, gazing sadly at her boyfriend. "But I'm suffering. I don't think I can take another exam that has words longer than both our names combined," she pointed out. Jetro furrowed his eyebrows, before Carmen laughed heartily.

"I'm sure you can, you've been doing it for months," Jetro smirked, to which Carmen playfully punched him in return. For awhile, the both of them just lay there side by side, staring at the ceiling quietly.

"Will it be worth it?" Carmen suddenly asked, turning to face him again. Jetro pretended to think for a moment. "I say yes. You'll be an actual lifesaver, Carmen," Jetro stated, "maybe one day you'll even save my life."

Carmen frowned, "Jetro, I'd never be able to do surgery on you!"

Jetro raised his eyebrows questioningly, "why not?" Carmen gently grabbed his chin, shaking it cheekily, "because you're my boyfriend. Can you imagine doing surgery on the love of your life?"

The young Dutchman chuckled as he pried her hand off his chin, "I'm touched, Carmen. But are you saying you won't save my life?" He probed.

Carmen creased her forehead, "of course I will! I just - I don't know."

A small smile formed across Jetro's lips. He reached out to carefully brush a stray hair off Carmen's face. "Just promise me that whoever is on your operation, whoever it is, promise me you'll fight for their lives."

Carmen gazed at him anxiously. If ever he was on that table, could she really do it? To be frank she didn't know. But watching Jetro and that warm smile across his face, she told herself she could. She had to.

"Promise," she whispered before pressing her lips onto his. And she meant it.


The urgent tone of that voice and the panicked jerk snapped her back to reality. Henley was staring at her, wide-eyed. "Doctor, you have to go in there now!" She exclaimed, her hand gripping onto Carmen's arm.

But Carmen couldn't do it. "I can't," she uttered, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes as she stared at him in the operation theater. The nurses were all hurriedly scurrying around by then.

"Doctor!" Henley almost screamed, grabbing her by her shoulders and turning her around so she could face her. "He's my - my boyfriend," Carmen stammered, her eyes still glued onto his body.

Henley's mouth fell agape when she heard Carmen. But she knew what she had to do. "Look, doctor, I understand. But you're the only one who is available to conduct this surgery right now," she explained, looking her straight in the eye.

"If you don't go in there, he's going to die. You know that," Henley stressed. Carmen squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from flowing. She did know that.

Carmen took a deep breath as Henley released her grasp on her. "Okay," she breathed. "I'm going to go in there and fight for his life," she said. And she meant it.

Don't tell me that gif didn't make you drool ahaha. As requested by ilikebandsxo! :) Hope you liked i! And thank you so much for reading!

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