111 Friendships

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"Hey!", cheered Nisha delighted when she discovered the huntress.


Yuna had dressed in her school uniform for their meeting. She just wanted to feel like she still belonged. She also had Ayumi wrap up the right half of her face in bandages, so she wouldn't need sunglasses. The older woman mentioned that this wish was kind of strange, but did it nevertheless for her 'sister'.

"Let's go", said the blue-haired.

The cat girl glanced at her friend. "Are you in a hurry?"

She shrugged. "Not particularly, but I was bored all day."

"Even tough you were not in class." The two girls laughed playfully.

Yuna discovered Hikari, who peered over to them while passing by. She quickly looked at Nisha. "Can you please wait briefly?"

"You want to talk to Wada-san?"

The larger one nodded and looked back at Hikari who had moved on. "Yes."

"No problem. I'll wait here for you."

"Thank you."

Yuna rushed to her possibly former best friend, who acted as if she had not seen her and quickened her pace. Annoyed rolled the huntress with her eye and moved closer with big steps.

"Hikari! Come on", yelled the blue-haired.

The addressee turned around. "Oh, haven't seen you."

"Sure. Listen. I'm sorry, okay?"

"Is that why you're here?"

For a moment the huntress hesitated. "Yes."

The black-haired looked past her to the class president. "And why waits the nerd for you then?"

"Can't I have other friends beside you?"

Hikari blushed and looked down in shame. "I just thought we're best friends. Forever."

"We are best friends. You're my best friend", confirmed Yuna.

"Nevertheless, you never have time for me."

"I'm sorry. It'll get better, when I come back to school."

Hikari looked at her reproachfully. "You've never asked me how I was doing."

"That is not true."

The facial expression of the black-haired darkened instantly. "Oh yes?! Or do you really don't care at all?!"

Yuna sighed. "How are you?"

"My life sucks! My crush has an other. My grades are bad. My best friend ignores me constantly. I sit every day at home alone and cry my eyes out of my head, but you don't give a single fuck!"

"Wooah, calm down", parried the blue-haired, lifting her hands in the process.

"My life just goes down the drain. I'm sorry that all these horrible things have happened to you, but that doesn't excuse that you're a lousy best friend."

Hikari was back at crying. The huntress stared at her friend speechless. Had she always been such a pain in the ass? As she thought about it, the answer was yes. For years Hikari moaned and complained all the time, but somehow she liked her anyway.

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now