Chapter 2 - My Chemical Romance

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After having to deal my classes it was finally time for lunch, I wouldn't be eating because I'm so self conscious of my weight but my friends force me knowing I could physically damage myself if I don't. As I look around the cafeteria I notice the dirty looks and scowls thrown in my direction, to say I was unpopular would be a complete understatement actually. Yes I have my friends to help me if I needed it, not that I'd ever ask for their help, I don't want to drag them down with me - for some reason they have more popularity than me. But in the end they can't always stick up for me, they'd get it worse than I would, that's the stupid thing about being at high school, nobody can stick up for you.
I've already been pushed to the ground and hit today, It's a good thing I have a big fringe I can cover it up as much as I can, I won't need to when I'm back "home", Bill will just think that it was him who did it the last time he hit me, I can't stand up for myself then either, I've only ever tried to do that once and let's just say it didn't end well for me.
"Hey Nat, Can you come to the mall after school? You said he was still at work until next week" Zoe asks giving me her puppy eyes knowing I can't resist them. Bill was on a work trip until next Thursday, it's only Monday now, I have another 10 days to myself, it might give some time for all these old bruises to disapear, giving the chance for the new ones that I get from school to settle down
"Yeah I can, What time?" I asked, I hate walking home in the dark on my own in New Jersey, it was scary as shit.
"Uhh I don't really mind, we've all gotta go home tell our parents and grab some money... So lets say about 6?" Zoe said, I nodded, great that meant by the time we leave I will be walking home in the dark, great
"Okay so about 6" We  all agreed and moved on to more interesting topics of the new band merch we can get at hot topic.

**3 Hours later**

I'm on my way to starbucks now, I went home to drop my school bag off and get dressed quickly, I put on my Guns 'n' Roses tee on and some black skinnies, I could see all of the looks I was getting from people as I walked past them all down the mall, they were probably thinking and saying to each other but I put on my best bitch face and carried on walking not letting them get to me. I went past the point of caring what random strangers had to say about me a long time ago, I had my headphones in so luckily I couldn't hear what they may have been saying about me anyway... Okay so maybe I am slightly self conscious about what people have to say and think about me but at the end of the day as long as I didn't show the pain they caused me I'll make it through.
Walking through the doors of Starbucks was like walking straight through the golden gates into heaven, the warm air hitting me just as the amazing strong smell of coffee did, I love this place, If I could I would live here.
I'm meeting Luke, Zoe, Tom and Andy at 6 and it's only 5:15 now...
Andy is my cousin, but we are so close. He's a year older than me but he was always like an older brother to me, Bill has no idea that I have any family left that actually care about me, If I'd have told him about Andy and my auntie he probably would have locked me up in the house and held me hostage so that their was no way of possibly telling anybody what he does to me, not that I would actually risk telling anybody anyway, though it wouldn't actually shock me if he locked me up anyway just so that I had no life outside of that awful house.
I'd made it to the counter and a employee served me, he seriously looked like he didn't want to be there like come on dude why would you not want a job in Starbucks, I wonder if he was unhappy with his job or something in his personal life? I'm probably thinking into his life too much right now. I'd take his job if he didn't want it, I always need an excuse to get more money in my fund, that and the fact that this must have to be the best place to work to a coffee-holic like me, especially with all of the staff discount, it would be heaven, I'd be one of the only people that literally enjoy getting up and going to work... Actually no, I do like my lie ins, so I'd probably have be acting the same way as him to be honest.
I lookd up at a poster whilst the guy was getting my mocha latte and saw the 3 biggest words in my life "MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE" My eyes bulged, I quickly scanned through the text and saw "The lads are in Reckless Records all week" That is this week I actually want to cry a little bit. My Chemical Romance are here in New Jersey today in the record shop right across from starbucks, what sort of a coincidence is that, your favourite band just across from you this is literally too good to be true, then in small print at the bottom of the poster it said "$67 to see the lads and have a photo" Perfect. Fucking Perfect. I only have about $30 on me, I'm not even half way there. The one chance I have to meet my idols, literally the saviours of my life and I'm not even able to meet them even if they're just across the mall from me. This is honestly too typical of my life, but at least I can say that I was in the same mall as them on the same day, I'm afraid that'll have to do.

Finding Iero (My Chemical Romance/Frank Iero Love story)Where stories live. Discover now