Part Two: Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I have food and water packed in a satchel. It's the day Ryan is leaving and I'm supposed to go with him. What am I supposed to tell my brothers? What am I supposed to tell Matthew? I can't just leave them. Especially since none of us has ever even spoken about moving out. I crawl down the ladder to the kitchen. I start to make breakfast. It will be a masterpiece, considering what I'm planning on telling them. They all walk into the kitchen together. "Good morning!" I say cheerily. God that sounded so fake! They all look at me sternly. My smile slips off my face.

"Ryan told us," Nick says. I gulp. I bite my lip. I feel light-headed and I start to sweat like a pig. I avert their gaze. Robbie walks over to me and lifts up my chin. His blue eyes stare into my soul.

"We knew this was going to happen one day. We knew it would happen because of the way you acted. Just being separate from the other girls to us it would happen. Scott has already departed us. It's time you do too." He lets go of my chin. A tear falls off my cheek and onto my dress. I never thought they could be so loving and understanding. I walk up to both of them and give them two giant hugs. They walk me out of the house.

Ryan is standing at the gates of the village. We get to him. All of a sudden Matthew runs out of the house and up to us. "Please Julie, don't leave! I overheard the conversation between Ryan and your brothers. You can't go! You just can't." Tears start to fall off my cheeks. This makes this so much harder.

"Matt, I'm going. I just can't stay. Not after what happened. I just wouldn't be able to live-live happily anyways."

"Then let me come with you! Please. Without you I have nothing. My parents are splitting up and I have no friends. You have to take me with you." I look to my brothers. They look away. It's not like they care. Or they just don't want me to know they care. I look to Ryan. He whispers in my ear, "If you want him to come he can."

"Matt, you can come." He looks relieved.

"I hate to be the kind of person that invites himself though."

"Sure," I say sarcastically. "Really, I do."

"Well I guess this is good-bye," I tell Robbie and Nick. How many clichés are you going to do, Julie? I hug them tightly.

"We'll miss you," Nick says. Robbie says nothing.

"Take care," Matt says. Ryan elbows him. "Ow! What was that for?"

"It was for butting in, dimwit."


"Come on guys," I mutter to Matt and Ryan. We walk away. As we walk in the woods I cry softly. Maybe I can visit them. Probably not, but maybe.

We find a place to sleep that night. Ryan falls right to sleep. I on the other hand, don't. I have no idea about Matthew though. "Julie, are you awake," Matthew whispers.


"I need to tell you something."

"What? That you are a girl trapped in a guy's body?" I ask jokingly.

"No! It's something else."

"Do I have to punch you to get it out of you or are you just going to tell me?"

"You know how we've always just been friends?"

"Yes, so?"

"Well I always wished we were more than friends. I've always liked you Julie. I always will."

"You're kidding me, right? This is one of your practical jokes."

"No it's not. I really do like you whether you believe me or not." He really does like me.

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