Dark skies, full of lies

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I refer to myself as a moon

That shows its true self at noon

I appear for a while and disappear too soon

To the pain and darkness, I'm immune

A part of me always hidden 

Because some things are just forbidden

 My entire life, I'm guilt-ridden

  To me, simply existing is a burden  

Like a moon, I have a dark side

That I choose to hide

But nobody noticed when I lied

Just to save my pride

Like any moon, I have many flaws

In the sky that is as dark as crows

Surrounded by stars that glows

But it never shows

I die every morning

When the sun starts shining

I could see myself whining

But nobody would be mourning

Stars surrounded me

And I would never be free

It's not like what people see

Being in the midst of darkness is not a glee

Sometimes I disappear

Especially when the sun appear

To my eyes it brings tear

But, nevertheless, it makes people cheer

My world is filled with black and gray

Soon enough my facade would fray

To the Gods I pray

To get rid of those who are in my way

In the dark, there is fear

My world that is filled with drear

The danger is loud and clear

There you could lose something that is very dear

Soul filled with scar

Gazing from afar

Around me are stars

Isn't this a little bit harsh?

A bright half, a dark half

Skin is rough

But, please don't laugh

My life is a little bit tough

I'm not as bright as the sun

And maybe not as fun

But in the sky full of stars, I'm the only one

I just want to be someone

Dark skies

Full of lies

and sighs

As time flies

Its midnight

I'm filled with fright

Through the darkness, I fight

With the light within me, the moonlight

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