Chapter 23.

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(Gemini's pov)

I sprinted over to Libra and Sagittarius' dorm, wanting to know everything that she told me over the phone, even though it was more like a scream of excitement and concern. "Hurry up!" I yelled at Sagittarius who was running as fast as he could behind me.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Keep your pants on!" He moaned angrily as we had already been running for the past 20 minutes from the hospital wing. I promised Cancer id phone her up and tell her everything once I got all the information.

"Well just hurry up! Your being so slow!" I resorted as I finally reached Libra's and Aqua's door, "open the damn door already! I need to know what's going on!" I shouted as I heard several locks followed by the door swinging open.

"Oh my god everything's happened!" Libra squealed, grabbing me by the shirt, only to yank me inside and onto the couch, "I can't believe it!" She added just making me to want what she knows even more.

"Just tell me already woman!" I screamed shaking her by the shoulders as we both finally took a seat and calmed down a little.

"Okay," She took a deep breath obviously ready to explain, meanwhile Sag and Aqua was in the corner looking as if they were doing dodgy dealings, " basically, Taurus kissed Cap in front of Scorpio and Virgo," She began causing my jaw to drop, "that's not even the worse part about it. Virgo went mad and tried to stuck Taurus and then Scorpio attached Cap and he turned into a psycho werewolf and nearly killed him," She explained leaving me wide eyed, shocked and most of all excited.

"Whoa," was the only word that could come out of my mouth as Libra nodded in agreement, "what are we going to do with all the mature zodiacs going coo-coo?" I questioned as Aqua and Sag sat beside us looking concerned.

"We are going to have to gather all the zodiacs who are not set in attack mode and formulate a plan. The angel of death could attack us anytime now and we're not prepared at all, in fact we're the weakest we have been ever," Sag explained with his hand movements all over the shop, causing me to nod as I took in all the information.

"We need to start recruiting, now more than ever," Aqua stated holding Libra's hand tightly, "that or we go into hiding," he suggested, receiving a slap round the back of the head from libra.

"That's the most dumbest thing I've ever heard," She sighed, rolling her eyes, "we need somewhere for us all now, like a house, a mansion to stay in," She smiled at the idea, "that way we can prepare for what's to come and have a safe place to live, because let's face it the collage isn't," She explained as we all nodded in agreement, we needed a safe place to stay and fast.

I think I know just the people to ask.

(Libra's pov)

I quickly locked my dorm door, only to jog over to the others, "are you sure this is a good idea Gemini?" I asked slightly concerned that it wouldn't be the safest of places.

"A good idea?!" Sagittarius snapped, throwing his hands in the air, "this is absurd! In fact it's just complete and utter stupidity!" He added clearly not impressed with Gemini's idea, earning a long cold glare off her, "please tell me your not serious about this?".

"Yes, I am," She spoke walking confidently, "besides its not like anyone else have any decent ideas," She added causing Sag to shut up, leaving him angry.

"Gemini, I don't think this is one, we don't even know these people and they seem extraordinary dangerous. Maybe this isn't the safest of places," Aqua tried to change her mind as best as he could, trying to sway her in the other direction.

"And staying here is?" She shot back, causing him to join Sag's silence, " at least we'll be safer than we are now," She added as we got to the door, she took a deep breath before knocking twice on the door.

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