Chapter six

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Michelle pov

now that i have my own truck i can go do things but i like beening around the guys but i need some time to my self so am i said to the guys am going for a drive be back later i was just driving when i see a litte fox on the side of the road it mother was killed for she was laying on the side of the road i then stop an pick the little fox up. you are just to cute but how will the guys react to a real fox in the manchin oh well i dont care then i start back to the manchin an when i pull into the drive way i saw Eric come out oh no then i saw him come over to me then he sawthe little fox on my lap.

Michelle why do you have a baby fox it mother was killed i could not leave him to die Eric an he smiled at me then the little fox jumped onto my shoulders an to Eric an it rubbed it head agenst him i think he likes you Eric. then i got out an the little fox jumped back to me then we walked back in then Paul, Ace an Gene saw the the fox on my shoulders an was suprised an shocked Michelle where did you get that fox an i told them it mother was killed an i was not going to let him die.

i then went to my room an the little fox jumped onto my bed an i layed down an he curled up next to me then i saw Eric come in an he saw the little fox asleep next to me what are you going to name him dont know any ideas how about tad from the fox an the hound i like that name. I then saw tad wake up an I put a collar around his neck with a leash an I took him for a walk around back then i heard my name being called an it was Ace calling for me.

Ace pov

i went out back looking for Michelle when i saw her with her new pet the little fox an she was playing with it hey Michelle oh hey Ace he is so cute i named him tad from the fox an the hound movie Michelle said then i saw tad jump on her shoulders to get to a butterfly an was swating at it. then we went to the fornt of the manchin then we heard wildlife contarol an here for the little fox that your cousin has well she is not going to give it to you LIKE HELL AM GOING TO HAND OVER MY LITTLE FOX KITT JUST SO IT CAN BE KILLED.

Me an Michelle then ran inside along with Eric an locked the door an Michelle was holding tad to her chest scared to lose him then Eric pulled her into a hugg an said we wont let them take tad from you no we wont i said Paul then looked out the window an saw the wildlife contarol had left but we all know they will be back. so Me, Paul ,Gene, Eric an Michelle went to get her a specail licens of she can keep her little fox kitt for it has boned with her an Eric because of their personalities an when she got it the wildlife contarol could not take tad from her.

that night Michelle was in the living room when i walked in an saw tad a sleep on her lap while she was reading a book with her headphones on so she did not hear me walk in an i sat in the chair beside her an she was reading about how to take care of a baby fox. then she saw me siting beside her an she jumped god dont do that Ace you about gave me a heart attck am sorry Michelle you were so into your book a music you did not hear me come in oh i just wont to make sure i do everything right for tad.

Narrator pov

Michelle an Ace sat by the fire place an talked an she told him that when she was 13 she helped a friend get back her car then she looked at tad a sleep beside her then she picked him up an said good night to Ace the she went to bed an in the morning tad was siting on her chest pawing at her face okay, okay am up tad. who needs an alram clock when i have you an she sat up an got out of bed an dressed for to today she small arm cast was coming off for good an she walked out to see the others an tad was right behind her an Paul saw this an smiled.

morning everyone good morning Michelle Paul ,Ace, Gene an Eric said so today the day you small arm cast comes off Eric said to her yea then she looked at the time on her phone i got to be going then Ace said i will look after tad for you Michelle thanks then she an Eric left an after her cast was off she shaved her arm. then she drove back to the manchin to find Ace an tad playing out back an when tad heard Michelle truck pull up he ran passed Paul an Gene an jumped into Michelle arm well looks like some one missed you Michelle Eric said oh very funny Eric.

then she went an got her guitar an played for hours an the guys were happy she was back to normal an as Michelle was playing Eric joined her on the drumms an they came up with their own little tune that sounds great you two Paul said. Michelle felt great to be able to play her guitar again then they had a show to do an it was Michelle first show an Eric helped her with her make-up an out fit.

you ready Michelle yes an remember it vixen on stage you know your que to come on stage right Paul said yep right after you introduce me all right it show time ladies an gentlemen we are intdroucing a new band member lets hear it for vixen the lady fox an Michelle runs on to the stage in full coustom.

Searching in the darkness, running from the day
Hiding from tomorrow, nothing left to say
Victims of the moment, future deep in doubt
Living in a whisper until we start to shout

We're creatures of the night, we're creatures of the night, hey

Breathing in the madness, spitting out the lies
Searching for an answer, keep your alibis
Don't know where we're goin', just know where we've been
Remember when the clock strikes twelve, the losers always win

We're creatures of the night, we're creatures of the night, hey

Searching in the darkness, running from the day
Hiding from tomorrow, nothing left to say
Gathering up our courage, ready for the fight
Howling in the shadows until we start to bite

We're creatures of the night, we're creatures of the night
Creatures of the night, we're creatures of the night

after the show Michelle was back stage you were great Michelle Eric said yes you were Paul said thanks guys this is a dream come ture for me.

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